Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Small Things Matter.......

First a quote I heard yesterday that I love......

"Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone."  Love that thought and it really applies to me as I try to push the edge of my comfort zone out further and further.

After a few good weeks ......this was not a great day at the scale.  But as I have learned this time around with WW.......there is always next week, the journey has its ups and downs, you cannot expect to be down every single week and where during my previous attempts to lose weight......I would have left the meeting crying or given up or gone home and ate through my frustration.  This time....I let it roll off my back, starting looking toward next week and keep reminding myself of where I would have been if I had never started WW again.
I will succeed.....just not as fast as I would like but it took years to gain all this fat so no reason to think it is going to fall off while I sleep. It takes work and focus and determination and willpower and desire and and and.......

OK Donna, put on your big girl panties (which are a few sizes smaller than they were before.WOO HOO!!!) and get over it....the week is over and a new week has started.......and even if for some weird reason you have another small gain or don't go down.......hang in will work ....of this I am quite sure!!!

Now back to the title of this entry.......

I am one of those people who really appreciates the small things of life.  A cup of coffee (which my family, friends and coworkers really appreciate), a good laugh over something silly, throwing on the tiara at home just for the hell of it.......

And although I wouldn't mind a trip to Italy paid for by someone else or a month at the beach or a new car.....I still find some of the simplest things in life the most rewarding.......a brief conversation with someone while waiting at a cash register, a child's laughter, a good much do any of those cost......not a lot in the grand scale of things.

Recently..... $30 provided me with the opportunity to go to a Memoir Writing Workshop, $30 let me enjoy an evening with Jenn and some work friends doing a painting of 2 glasses and a wine bottle (OK mine looked more like 2 Bloody Mary's and a bottle....... not one of my better works of art LOL)......$25 gave me an evening watching a chef at work.......not big ticket items but new adventures.......I mean my new bra's cost me more than all of those combined (which I am happy to report I was able to wear from 6:00AM until 9:00PM without the desire to rip it off before I got home)......

Yesterday, I made a purchase.  Actually it was Jenn who spotted it and thought of me.  It's a little scary how well she knows me.....

What was it that made me so happy......a quilt and a pair of pillow shams.......costing a grand total of $34.  Just a mere $34 and I am grinning from ear to ear.  The new quilt makes the room pop.  It makes me smile when I look at it.  And how can I beat the price I paid?????

So here is my latest work of look better in the picture that in me on this LOL.....mine is the one farthest away......

And here is my new quilt....I love it....thank you Jenn for finding it and thank you Walmart for putting it in Jenn's line of sight........

 So this week.....look for the small things that you can enjoy that don't have a big price tag attached to them......a sunrise......a hug......a corny get what I mean........all of which make life least from where I am sitting......

See you next week........

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