Sunday, February 14, 2016

What I Love.......

Being it's Valentine's Day I could write about my envy of others and their special relationships and enduring love......but I have decided to take a different route today......

I am going to write about what I do love and why.......

I love my best friend (yes, when they grown up we are allowed to be friends), she is the person who encourages me, inspires me and reminds me of what I have accomplished and what I have to look forward too.  There is no greater gift in my life than being her Mom (even though she calls me Donna....which I don't mind and if others don't like it.....that is not my concern......I called my Mom a variety of things....Mom, Irene and the tradition continues).....(oh but I never called my Dad by his first name.....LOL).  Jenn is the person who helps weigh my food and package it for me.....she is the one who pushes me to try new things and celebrates my successes with such joy!!

I love my siblings.......yes All of them......we are so different yet connected by our shared history. The common thread of growing up together and then taking separate paths is what families do.  We have made very different choices in careers and passions.........but as the official family worrier I do a great job.  I worry about Greg.....he works long hours and I think about his commute in bad weather......I look forward to him retiring.  I worry about Cheryl .......she is generous to a fault and wants to save the world and every (and I mean EVERY) stray she comes across.  I worry about George and the challenges he is facing in what are supposed to be the years when he could relax and celebrate all those midnight shifts and holidays worked.

I love my Raboni in-laws (current and former....we never let them go) nieces and nephews and the grand nieces and grand nephew....and my wonderful you can see the list could go on and on........

I love my about fierce loyalty........they supply it by the bucket.  Some have been a part of my life for over 40 years and some I have known a scant 12 months.  How blessed I feel for each and every one of them!! Some of them will challenge and frustrate me........some will allows me to wallow in my own self-pity ....for a very short time........some will kick my ass when it needs to be done and some will cheer me on and reminds me of where I have been and what I have accomplished AND where I am Dad used to say if when you die you can say you have 5 true friends you have lived a full life......well Dad I can hold up more than 5 fingers.....and I guess as the angel said in "It's A Wonderful Life" man is a failure who has friends.

I love my time to write and come hell or high day I will have something published.  I will have that book signing.

I love that as my confidence grows I am not as fearful of failure.  I am seeking out adventures......although I am a little scared of the number of people who have asked to be present when I go zip lining for the first time (LOL).......

I love that I am finally "getting it" about how to get healthy.  My WW buddies (yes you fit into the friend category too!!) have and continue to walk in my is great to not feel alone.

So while I may not have the roses or cards or romantic dinner many of you are enjoying this weekend.....I do know love,,,,,,,and have known love......and will continue to give and receive love......and isn't that what it is all much we love and are loved??

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

See you next week.....

PS  I wore one of my new bra's this week.  I was going to bring an old spare along with me in case I couldn't get through the day in the new one.  This thought was veto'd b y Jenn who said "no way you are bringing an extra bra to work!!" A coworker said to me "you know that everyone who reads your blog is looking at your boob's today."  LOL...true. I admit it did make me look better during the day. BUT I actually thought about taking it off as soon as I got in the car for the drive home.....but cooler heads prevailed and I waited until I walked though the door and then ripped that baby off.  I know I will get used to them.......eventually.

PPSS I was working out in the pool yesterday and stayed for the beginning of the water aerobics class. As I was getting out of the pool a lady was waving at me.  I stopped on the stairs and she came over and said "I haven't seen you in a long time.  My goodness how much weight have you lost?"  I told her about how many pounds are gone and she said "you look great !!" I am not going to felt good to hear......even though I have a way to go.......oh don't roll your eyes......I just said  "Thank you"  to her and moved on.......see I am learning.......

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