Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Week of .......well you will see......

This week was one of varied activities......

Sunday, I was down at the scale but more important was the meeting and the camaraderie......we talked about what we love about ourselves.  This would have been a hard question for me to answer before but now......not so hard.  Even saying I love myself would have been impossible just 18 months about growth and confidence!! Oh and my answer as to what I love about myself.......that I can make people laugh.  At one of my meetings a few weeks ago I heard one of the members say "She should do stand up"  how funny is that....LOL!!!!

Jenn and I attended a cooking class.  It was a first for both of us.  I felt like we were on one of those cooking shows on the Food Channel.  You know the kind where people sit around and watch the chef in action.  Then we had a chance to try the items prepared.  Split pea soup, Lentil soup, Butternut Squash soup, Chicken Crepes and some chocolate creation for dessert.  I loved the soups served in small containers.......they were great!!! The chicken crepe was also wonderful.  I took the tiniest taste of the chocolate dessert and all I can say is OMG it took all the self control I could muster to not eat it all.  I did track everything I put in my mouth!!

I also created a new meal on Friday.  I wasn't sure what I felt like having for lunch.  I took out a bag of spinach, mushrooms ( I had already cooked them), shirataki spaghetti (these noodles are 15 calories per serving and are really good) and vegetable broth.  I put the spinach and vegetable broth to cook first and then added the mushrooms and shirataki (these need to be rinsed before using them and kind of have a weird smell before being rinsed).  I have to tell you I was so pleasantly surprised!!! It tasted great, had minimal calories which equals minimal points and is something I will definitely make again.

Saturday, I set my alarm for 6:00 AM.  I was out of the house at 7:00 on my way to the gym.

By 8:30, I was done with my workout and headed downtown.  I had come across a writing workshop about writing memoirs and decided to attend.  In my haste to be there early, I locked my keys in my car.

This is where I can tell I have changed.  The old Donna would have let that stop her from going to the workshop but the new Donna continued on and thought "I will figure it out when I am finished".

The meeting was a little over an hour and I loved it!!! There were just 6 of us in attendance including our workshop leader.  Each person was asked to discuss their memoir.  I received such positive feedback regarding my book.  I feel so good about what I learned  ........I found out I am writing a what is called a  project memoir since I am doing things to write about......until today I had never heard this term.  I left the session feeling exhilarated.

By the time I arrived back at my car....Jenn was my hero.....I had texted her while she was at the gym and she had my car lock code in her wallet.  Within seconds I was back in my the old days I would have missed the workshop or worried the whole time instead I put the issue aside knowing it could easily be resolved....which it was!!

Next on the agenda was voting.  I went to my normal voting place. There was a sign to go to another location.  Not one to be stopped by the minor inconvenience I headed to the other location. I was in and out of the polling location in less than 5 minutes. I take voting very seriously and in all honesty don't understand others who don't avail themselves of the opportunity..........

All of this took place before 11:00AM....I felt like I had run a marathon.  My intention was to come home and take a nap.  Well that didn't happen.....there was food shopping and errands to run.  Once I was home I decided to get my cooking done for the week.  And here I sit at 11:36 writing my blog and already planning on some nap time tomorrow after my WW meeting and the gym.

It was a week or cooking and writing and you can see why I wasn't quite sure what to call this entry.

Oh one more thing.......a few years ago when I voted I was given one of those "I Voted" stickers to wear.  I saved it and periodically would put it on at unexpected times.  Jenn would come in the kitchen and I would have it on my nightshirt or my beach cover just never knew where or when  I might show up wearing my "I Voted" could show up on Christmas or the 4th oh July.

I am so excited I was given a new "I Voted" sticker today and will get another one in watch never know where it might appear.........

See you next week.........

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