Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Bra Fitting??????......Hell Yes I Was Nervous !!!!!

I went to the gym early this morning to get a workout in. Like Elle Woods says in Legally Blonde "endorphins make you happy".  She said that about what happens to people who exercise.  Well, I was feeling pretty good leaving the gym.

I thought about the bra fitting I mentioned in my blog entry last week.  Do I go for it or do I chicken out? My old fears immediately surfaced.......what if they don't have my size??  What if they don't have a tape measure that will go around me?  Will they laugh at me behind my back??

So I decided that if there wasn't a parking spot in front of Soma (the store I was going to) then I wasn't meant to go  I drove by open spot.........oh I will circle around open more try.....and like the Red Sea parting.....there was an open spot right in front of the store.

Oh too bad.....the store is not open yet......but it is 9:58 and the store opens at 10:00.

So I wait.....heart racing and I don't know if I have the nerve to walk through the door.

Those 2 minutes felt like 2 years.......

I get out of the car and slowly walk through the door.  I am thinking......."can I turn around and run out?"......then I hear a voice say  "Hi, can I help you?"  I blurt out "I know you probably don't have my size but I was hoping to get a bra fitting so I can at least shop for the right size bra."  Whew.....I said it......

The lady named Cindy (she was the store manager) said " Sure, come in the back".  Into the dressing room I go.......Cindy asks me to take off my shirt and takes out the dreaded tape measure.  She measures me two ways and says "I will be back in a minute some for you to try on."

Wait a sec........did she say for me to try on??????? Does that mean I can fit into something here????? OMG!!!!

Cindy comes back with one to start with.........I try it on.......Cindy waits outside thank goodness.

Let me tell you all of my bra's are front hook, stretchy straps and stretched out

So here I am trying on a back hook with adjustable straps, underwires and cups that had a shape of their own.  It felt pretty good but ......LOL......there was no way I was filling those cups......anymore.

Cindy heads back to look for more......I tell her I would like one in black and one in nude.  She brings back 3 pretty choices.  I try them on and they all fit........yes, I said ALL FIT!!!!

Then Cindy says "put your shirt on over the new bra".  I do as I am told.....all I can say is WOW......what a difference.....they are not sagging....there are two of them.......and I won't say they look perky (they are too big to call them that) but they look great under my shirt !!

I make my selections, pay for them and head out of the store with all kinds of new info and some added confidence.

I am going to have to get used to bra's that can basically stand up by themselves but am exciting that I could shop in "normal store"'.

I know that now I have shared this info with you......the next time you see will be looking at my boobs......I know will be trying to figure out if I am wearing one of my old bra's or one of my new ones.......well go ahead a's my own fault for sharing this info.........

But you can be assured I will not share with you when I get my first pair of reason to focus on my.......well you know.......

See you next week........

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