Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunrise Service in a Funeral Home??????

In my continued search for a place I feel at home religiously......I decided to attend a Sunrise Service.  I was not sure what denomination was handling the service but figured I would give it a try......

A little back ground first.  I was born Roman Catholic.  I am not one who wears my religion on my sleeve.  To me religion is personal. I have been trying to find a church where I feel comfortable.  For a while, it was at the church on the campus of USC.  We had a priest who talked to us not at us.  I was not made to feel guilty about what I did or didn't do. I felt loved.  As is the normal process in the Catholic Church eventually the priest was reassigned to another parish. I believe in a forgiving and loving God not a punishing God.  That is just my opinion.....

I was told once by a Priest that I was a good christian but not a good Catholic.  I had  no problem or issue with that comment.  Being a "good Catholic" is difficult.....there are a lot of rules and not ones I necessarily agree much for the background.

At Christmas, I went to the Downtown Community Church for their service.  It was very nice but not exactly what I was looking for although I may try it again.

Anyway, I had seen a sign outside a local cemetery that they were having a Sunrise Service at 7:00 Easter morning.  I was up early and thougth why not give it a try.  I got dressed kind of casual, just brushed my hair ( no blow drying or hair spray) and no makeup. Hey, it would be dark when it started and by the time it was bright and I would be back in my car. I arrived at 6:55.  It was foggy and drizzling.  As I pulled in the cemetery, a gentleman greeted me and told me to drive to the funeral home across the street the service had been moved there due to the weather.  Funeral home?????? Well this would be a new experience......

I pulled into the funeral home parking lot.  I pulled into a parking spot and sat there.  I was trying to decide if I wanted to go in or go home.  I was now concerned about how I looked in my casual attire.  I saw other people walking in and decided I was not that under dressed.  Once inside I found my way the the chapel.  Even surprising myself, I walked down the center aisle and asked someone if they were saving a seat at the end of a row (very unlike me). They said no one was sitting there so I sat down.  Now what.......

There were no men in suits.  I saw people in shorts and jeans and saw on teenager who was probably not happy that her family made her get up to join them at the service......she was in Gamecock pajama pants, a white t shirt and a black bra......she did not look happy but she was there.

Ok it was not the Easter morning of my youth where I  finally was able to wear the new dress, new patent leather shoes, new hat (yes a hat), gloves (yes gloves) and carry my new patent leather pocketbook.......all picked out on a shopping trip with Mom to Alexanders Dept Store. The only change was as I got older I was able to trade in my anklets for real nylons or fishnet stockings all held up by a garter belt (it was not sexy it was just the only option since it was pre-panty hose).  And when panty hose hit the market....woo hoo!!!! Oh and the patent leather shoes were replaced with the slightest heel on my shoes until I was allowed to wear real high heels. By then the requisite hat was no longer part of the outfit since the church had changed some of it's rules and now women could go to Mass minus the hat or chapel veil.  I actually remember in a pinch girls using a bobbie pin to put a tissue on their head so they had a head covering on before entering the church.

Well it was clear this morning this have come a long way......

The service itself was very nice and a smorgasbord of Church's were represented from Lutheran to Methodist to Baptist.......the messages were delivered in a variety of ways but all based in the words I have heard many times before.  I am glad I went.

Somewhere in my head I kept thinking .........a funeral home????? I also realized it doesn't matter where we worship....even my daughter while in Canada for World Youth Day almost 15 years ago with her youth group from St Joe's attended a Mass in a bar (of course the bar was not open).

I am still looking for a place to call home....religiously that is......and I will continue to search until I find the place in which I feel warmth, love and friendship. No longer being talked down to but being talked to......conversation......openness.......not lectured and told everything I am doing may take time to find that place but I know it exists.

But for now....the Easter Sunrise Service at a funeral home was just fine......a little different but I am glad I my search continues.......

The egg dying tradition continues.......

And the mini-tree in my front window that I decorate differently for each month of the year......

See you next week........

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