Sunday, April 10, 2016

Trying To Be More Flexible and Say Yes.......

As most of you know "flexible" is NOT my middle name.  I can come up with an excuse to get out of anything.......almost anything that is.....

As I work to spread my wings, I am trying to say yes to more to activities or events.  I have said yes to doing things on Saturday instead of treating it like the holy grail of days.  My normal through process was I work all week and the weekend is to catch up.......not always much fun.  Guess what I found out??? You can shop on Friday night instead of waiting until can pay your bills during the week (in the evening of course)........I can go to the gym on days other than Saturday and Sunday.

I decided to take part in opportunities offered to me the last three weekends. And guess what???? We still had groceries in the house and the bills got paid.

A few weeks ago, I went to visit a friend without much unlike me.  Last weekend, I went to my niece's baby shower.  I didn't stress over what I was not getting done at home.  Yesterday, I drove more than 6 hours round trip to go to a very sweet little girl's 6th birthday party.  Oh and on the way while in my "I should be smelling the roses more" mindset.....we stopped at South Of the Border.  I have passed this place too many times to count but decided to take the time to get off of 95 and see what the place was like......LOL....... it was just as tacky and old and funny and entertaining as I expected it to be.  When the water tower says SOB you know you are not at the NY Hilton.

Next week, I am going to a friends birthday celebration.....alone.  I am getting used to that too.  There was a time when I hated going by myself. I  am now getting more comfortable as a single. Note: that says as a single NOT being single (big difference legally). I am learning to face events and issues and the only consideration is  based on what "Donna" wants to do and that has been a long time coming.

Whether it be my 1st bra fitting or trying on SPANX or going to Easter service at a funeral home or going to a class on memoir writing at a bar on a Saturday morning.......I have done these all by myself.  Getting comfortable within my own skin (saggy as it may be THANK GOD FOR SPANX) is something I continue to push myself to do.

My mental transformation is probably bigger than my physical transformation.  Yes, I still have my down days when other people can reduce me to tears but I think I am bouncing back faster.  I do not allow other people to take my happiness away as easily anymore.

I can't pretend the physical changes hasn't boosted my confidence....of course it has......but knowing I am getting healthier physically and mentally is what I have needed for so long.

I know I still put too much focus on the scale (which today hit a new low for me...yay me) but changing a mindset that has been existence for over 40 years is almost impossible.

The blessing of family and friends who continue to support me through my journey is something without which I could not succeed.  I know that and I want to make sure they know that......YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.....whether is be a sibling, family member, a dear friend or a coworker who really cares........if I never lost another pound they would still be in my cheering section. But being honest............. without pushing forward .........the time I would have with them would be dimished and that would be a loss for them and me!!

I read somewhere (and I am not sure where it was...sorry)...."Life is not as much fun from the sidelines"......well I am finally done being a bench out world I am finally getting in the game......

See you next week.......

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to see you next weekend! It's been way too long!
