Sunday, April 17, 2016

Is This What's It's Like To Feel Normal????

I was getting ready for work Wednesday morning and I realized something........I was not repulsed by the reflection looking back at me while I finished up my makeup and hair.I got dressed and felt good about how I looked.  My clothes were not tight.  My ass didn't look like it was sticking out a mile.  Although I have a long way to go (sorry Jenn but that's the can pinch me later for the negative comment), I felt .......what I guess you would call....normal??? It has been so long since I felt anything close to normal that I am not sure if this is how normal feels and regular everyday people feel all the time.....

I ordered some shorts and Capri' smaller sizes (this will make my friend, Kathy, happy since she had been referring to my old shorts as culottes and my t shirts as kites). They arrived and guess what.....even though they were another size down......they fit.

I  even ordered  a new bathing suit.  OK this was a biggie since I hate buying bathing suits.  Also, I have always bought them with one simple criteria..........nothing about style or color.....the damn thing just had to fit!!

Well I decided to be a little adventurous.......I ordered a tankini.....good Lord not a bikini ( I gave those up by the time I was 17).  The bottom looks like a pair of black shorts (not long shorts but the shorter kind).  The top is floral print with a place to tie it at the bottom to adjust to your comfort level.  I tried it on and it fit.  It not only fit but shock of looked good.  I came out in the kitchen to get Jenn's opinion and she loved it!! It covers the top of my legs but not too much.  The top lands right below my stomach and doesn't accent my stomach, hips or ass.  I liked it so much I may order navy shorts and another color print top......just waiting for another sale.

Another new normal,  I went to an event alone and didn't feel uncomfortable as I walked though a room of people I didn't know. I must be growing up.......

I am guessing that most people don't worry about how they look all the time.....or worry about going some place alone......or need to celebrate the small victories......

I know I am no bathing beauty but just feeling good about my reflection is such a major step for me.....just about everyone I know will concur with this statement.

Today (Saturday), I also did my spring trip to Lowes......I walked and walked......tonight I am feeling wiped hips and kness would strangle me if they were my hands.  My back is aching from the time I spent in the kitchen prepping my veggies for the week.  Tomorrow (Sunday) is planting day.  Herbs, flowers, hanging baskets will all find their place for the rest of the spring and summer.  The wind chimes will be back outside where they belong. Jenn took down one of the shrubs by our AC unit that had died and tomorrow she told me I can "help" her with the other shrub that needs to be removed. Then we will figure out something to block the view of the AC unit........I am not quite sure what it will be.....hhhhhhmmmmmm....... We made one more trip to Lowes for a few more plants to put around the's not perfect but it will do for now.

Oh and I have a great new wreath on my front door!! My friend Crickett and her daughter made me a flip flop wreath.....I love is so me and they knew it screamed DONNA.  Poor many people saw the wreath and loved it.......she is probably up to her eyeballs in flip flops right now......

See you next week......

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