Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Best Days.....or Moments

In my team meeting tomorrow, I am asking my team to each come up with a good day or moment or two.  I do not want it to be the obvious days like when they got married or had their children.

Once again this idea came to me from watching City Slickers where they each discuss their best and their worst day.

I think worst days are easy to come up's like when someone asks you to list your good qualities and your bad qualities. I can list my bad qualities until the cows come come.....but good qualities are more of a challenge.

I am also not going to ask people about their worst days........this is supposed to be fun sharing not depressing.

I am a sap from the word go.......I can cry about anything......the other day I caught the last 10 minutes of "Homeward Bound".  I have seen  it before so I know how it ends......but why oh why do I sit there and cry waiting for that last dog to come over the I said.....I have seen the movie.....I know he is going to make it......LOL

The good list might not even be could be moments......

Yes, this exercise is very "me" oriented and gives everyone a chance to brag or share.

When Jenn was young I told her she could not brag  except to me or Nannie.  If something good happened she would run in the house and say "I am calling Nannie."  Then I could hear her say to my Mom...."Nannie, let's talk about me" and laugh.

On FB, people have shared good news and bad news.  I have read and liked posts about children and spouses and losses and vacations and on and on.......all great to share....... I have seem some great quotes that have given me pause to think.....maybe some oversharers (do I need know know about every second of your life?) and dear God I cannot wait for the election to be over......I am sick of the ugly back and forth posts.

I have made a concerted effort to not overshare but then again I am sure there are those that think this blog is over sharing........hell...... no one said you HAD to read it.........

Here are some moments that would make my list:
- being in the same room with my siblings for a few hours
-being the only one in my Geometry class to get an A on a test and having the teacher annouce it (I can still hear him saying"Yes, Miss Raboni it was you that got the only A on the exam"
-driving a convertible heading to the beach and smelling the ocean
-finding out parts of the letter about my Dad and our picture would be published in Tim Russert's book
- EVERY Christmas Eve day of my life (at least the ones I can remember)...... it is the best day of the whole year
-a early morning cup of coffee on my porch in the fall
-football Sunday's in NY when my whole family would watch the game together
- my younger brother making me a pen in my favorite color
- my older brother showing up as a surprise at our family reunion
- my sister driving 100 miles each way on Thanksgiving to spend a few hours with me
- being asked to write a poem to paint on the windows of my Freshman high school homeroom (pre-Pearl River HS)
- how about the smell of onion and garlic cooking when making sauce
-smells alone can provide a myriad of memories....cookies baking, burning a macintosh apple candle,the smell of Brut (my Dad wore it) or White Shoulder (Mom's favorite)
- getting books, a flip flop wreath, a tiara, sand from the beach......or anything else that someone gives you that says "I thought of you when I saw /made this"

Of course, any day that incudes laughter is always a great moment.

My list could have gone on forever......I guess that shows how blessed I am......

So when I am in those dark moods or feel like a cloud is following me.......I need to think about the good days or moments........and that should help get me through until I shake the mood or chase the clouds away....

See you next week........

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