Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Couple of Crazy Weeks....

During November and December time seems to fly by at a crazy pace.

Be warned there are a lot of pic's with this entry......

Just look at these last few weeks.....

As I wrote two weeks ago, we had just finished updating the bathrooms and completed some minor repairs.  Then finally, our eyesore shed was finally taken down.  I hate to admit that once the doors were off it pretty much fell apart.  Right now, there is what looks like a double burial plot in my back yard (in case anyone is interested).  Next spring, I will seed that area and all reminders of the shed will be gone.

We finished decorating the inside of the house and lit the tree BEFORE Thanksgiving!! I just couldn't wait.....

Also, in my continued quest to do new things, I signed up for an interview with Story Corp.  They have a mobile unit traveling around the country and are in Columbia, SC.  You bring someone to interview you (I voluntold Jenn).  They give you a list of suggested questions for the 40 minute interview they record.  You get a copy of the interview and a copy is stored in the Library of Congress in a Folklore Section. Nice to know a permanent recording of our conversation will be part of a historical record.

You have all heard the phrase "turn about is fair play"......well Jenn is finally getting even with me.....she was a good sport and came with me to see Barry Manilow last year.  Well, next July I get to see NKOTB (Boys To Men and Paula Abdul will be performing too)in concert !! I am sure I will be one of the more senior concert attendees.  Jenn is working hard to bring me up to speed on the songs I might hear. I gave Jenn her first NKOTB sweater when she was about 7 years old......OK I am aging  by the second !!!

I also spent a big $8 to buy tickets to see "It's A Wonderful Life" at the Nickelodeon Theater the Sunday before Christmas.  Nothing like seeing a classic on the big screen!!

I am also trying out new social situations.  Jenn's office invited me to go to lunch with them.  I am not always great in a group where I really don't know anyone.  But guess what ?? I had a great time!!

I made it to the gym 4 times this week and it felt great to be back in the swing!!

Then squeeze in my birthday which fell on Thanksgiving made for a fun 24 hours. Jenn gave me my gifts at midnight.  We used real plates vs paper plates for dinner.  Jenn really only cared that I made real mashed potatoes (which I only make twice a year). By late that evening, we were out doing our traditional Black Friday shopping. We did some ordering online and saved a bunch by scanning the flyers before shopping.  We spent the smallest amount of money ever on a Black Friday shopping trip partly because we didn't have any big ticket items to shop for......

We headed out again on Friday for another new experience.  We went to a book signing.  Ainsley Earhardt from Fox and Friends was in Columbia (back in her hometown) promoting her new book.  Jenn and I went and waited on line.  It  was so worth the wait!!  Ainsley was so friendly and really made time to talk to us.  She told Jenn she loved the FDNY t shirt she was wearing.  Ainsley asked if Jenn was from NY? She autographed my book " from one writer to another" In Jenn's book she wrote "To a New Yorker who moved south from a Southerner who moved to New York",  She gave us each a hug and said "God bless you!" And I said "Merry Christmas!!

We just finished decorating the outside of our house......

And this is what I fall asleep to each night and wake up to each morning.....

I am really trying to get into the holiday spirit which is a little harder some days than others......but I am pushing through the tougher one said it was going to always be easy did they???

Lastly, I went to Weight Watchers today.  Taking into consideration the week I had and the strawberry cupcake I had for my birthday......I was up a smidgen.  My leader said that is like a no change since it was so small a difference.  I am hoping I can say the same thing on Jan 2nd......

See you next week......

Monday, November 14, 2016

Money Can't Buy Happiness? Yes, it can.......

Money can buy happiness.

I am not talking about luxurious homes, lavish vacations, expensive cars or designer clothes.

I found happiness for $180.77.

That was the total for 2 gallons of paint, brushes, rollers, paint trays, drop cloth, shower curtain liners, new shower curtain rods and hooks, a new toothbrush holder, a new shower caddy, new shades for 4 bedroom windows and new mini blinds for 3 windows........phew....

Now we are talking big buck items..... let's talk cost...
94 cents for shower curtain hooks
$1 for  a toothbrush holder
$2 for a bathroom night light
$3 for a shower curtain liner
$9.72 for 3 sets of mini blinds
$24 for 4 new shades
$42 for 2 gallons of paint

and the all the rest.....

By the time we were done we had made 3 trips to Lowe's and 2 trip to Walmart  (that was for purchases and returns).  It was clear to the sales associate at Lowe's that I was not experienced at buying paint.  Did you know there is a machine that shakes up the paint before you buy it?  Did you know you get free wood sticks to stir the paint?

I learned how to tape a room before painting.

I found out a little wood glue held in place would fix the piece of trim that had been hanging loose from under my kitchen counter top.

I was amazed at how bright and shiny the glass globes that are part of my ceiling fan can look.

The bathroom vanity looks new after being painted.

When I went to got in the shower this morning, the shower curtain slid open.  The sound of metal rings on a very old shower curtain rod was gone. During the night when I had to get up for the bathroom, I didn't have to turn on the overhead light since the new nightlight was doing its job.

The new mini blinds work....LOL...yes, they go up and down like they should.  They all match in color.  They look crisp and clean.

The shades in the bedrooms no longer have the little tears from too long absorbing heat.

It was a face paced weekend but from taping to clean up the effort was well worth it !! I now have 2 very freshened up bathrooms.....long made me smile looking at how great they turned out.

I am not going to post pictures of my two white bathrooms.  The color that will make the rooms pop is going to come from the shower curtains, new towels and other accessories.

Oh OK I can tell you are dying to see a picture of one of the bathrooms .....see what can be accomplished with just a little money, creativity and hard work.....

LOL...don't I wish......

Next up...painting all the rooms in the house and all the floors need to be done. These two items are long overdue.  I have started looking at colors for the paint and searched some flooring websites.  For me half the fun is the is also a challenge since I know decorating is not my strong suit.

The painting and floors will have to wait until early in weekend the Christmas decorations go up!!!

I think my emoji says it all.....

See you next week,,,,,,

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Blog About Nothing (like a Seinfeld Episode)......I Had Nothing To Write About.....

Yesterday,  I stared at the computer screen......nothing....I had nothing.....I couldn't think of anything to write about....

This doesn't happen too often.....

This is like a Seinfeld episode....the show about nothing....a blog entry about nothing......

I didn't want to write about the lack of Trick or Treater's on Halloween....

I didn't want to write about the birthday present I had bought for Jenn a month ago......Jenn bought herself the same thing yesterday not knowing  I had already gotten it for her......

I didn't want to write about the election......I think more than enough has been written about that.....

I think people have heard enough for now about my process of cleaning out my house.

So I thought and thought......nothing......

Finally, I came up with a few things to write about.....

This morning it was cool.....actually cold by SC standards....38 degrees.....the heat actually kicked on in the house. I decided to wear a jacket and could just carry my cell phone, car keys, wallet and weigh-in card in my pockets as I headed to my Sunday morning meeting..  I walked into WW a few minutes late thanks to being stuck at a RR crossing while a train with a zillion cars passed (OK slight exaggeration....authors prerogative).  I reached for my weigh in card and my wallet....they were not in my pocket.  If you have every lost your wallet you know ho w I was feeling.  Cash, credit card, debit card, drivers license, CWP card and a few other identifying items all missing.  I got weighed in sans my weigh in card. I knew there was no way I could sit through the meeting not knowing where my wallet also crossed my mind that if someone came across my weigh in card that could be embarrassing too.....but then again who really wants the world to know how much you weigh. I went back out to my car ....nothing on the front seat or the floor.  Thank goodness there they were my weigh in card and wallet on the floor in the backseat!!

As I was looking in my car, I heard someone behind me.  It was one of my WW buddies, Sabrina, she had come outside. She thought I was going to skip the meeting.. This is what is great about my WW buddies on Sunday morning.  They thought I was giving up or had a bad week .  It was clear leaving the meeting was not an option  I knew I would not be pulling out of the parking lot even if I wanted to.  I started to laugh but was also amazed that people cared enough about me to make sure I was present to hear the words of encouragement and this week's topic..

When I sat down in the meeting my friends were chuckling.  I announced to the group I had been stalked in the parking lot.  The new members probably thought WHAT??? I told them no one lets you cut out of a meeting.

I so appreciate the concern of my WW pals!!! Some of the plateau's have been hard to hang in through but I am at the meeting just about every Sunday.  We talked about the fact the next 7 or so weeks are the hardest of the year......THE HOLIDAYS!!!!...........we have to plan and track and maybe just have a teaspoonful of what we really, really want.....before you know it 2017 will have arrived!! Do I really want the scale to go up?  Nope.  I will give it my best try and hopefully like last year....I will be down more after the holidays.

The other thing I wanted to write about is ......


Her birthday is this week.  There is no way I could have ever realized the impact of having her in my life would change my life.  From the baby I first saw when she was a few hours old to the adult woman who has become my best friend,  What an amazing trip it has been!! It has gone by in a flash. I would not have passed up one single second of any of the wonderful journey we have shared.

Happy Birthday J !!!! You are the best and deserve the best too!!!!

Not too bad I guess for a blog entry about nothing.....

See you next week.......