Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Couple of Crazy Weeks....

During November and December time seems to fly by at a crazy pace.

Be warned there are a lot of pic's with this entry......

Just look at these last few weeks.....

As I wrote two weeks ago, we had just finished updating the bathrooms and completed some minor repairs.  Then finally, our eyesore shed was finally taken down.  I hate to admit that once the doors were off it pretty much fell apart.  Right now, there is what looks like a double burial plot in my back yard (in case anyone is interested).  Next spring, I will seed that area and all reminders of the shed will be gone.

We finished decorating the inside of the house and lit the tree BEFORE Thanksgiving!! I just couldn't wait.....

Also, in my continued quest to do new things, I signed up for an interview with Story Corp.  They have a mobile unit traveling around the country and are in Columbia, SC.  You bring someone to interview you (I voluntold Jenn).  They give you a list of suggested questions for the 40 minute interview they record.  You get a copy of the interview and a copy is stored in the Library of Congress in a Folklore Section. Nice to know a permanent recording of our conversation will be part of a historical record.

You have all heard the phrase "turn about is fair play"......well Jenn is finally getting even with me.....she was a good sport and came with me to see Barry Manilow last year.  Well, next July I get to see NKOTB (Boys To Men and Paula Abdul will be performing too)in concert !! I am sure I will be one of the more senior concert attendees.  Jenn is working hard to bring me up to speed on the songs I might hear. I gave Jenn her first NKOTB sweater when she was about 7 years old......OK I am aging  by the second !!!

I also spent a big $8 to buy tickets to see "It's A Wonderful Life" at the Nickelodeon Theater the Sunday before Christmas.  Nothing like seeing a classic on the big screen!!

I am also trying out new social situations.  Jenn's office invited me to go to lunch with them.  I am not always great in a group where I really don't know anyone.  But guess what ?? I had a great time!!

I made it to the gym 4 times this week and it felt great to be back in the swing!!

Then squeeze in my birthday which fell on Thanksgiving made for a fun 24 hours. Jenn gave me my gifts at midnight.  We used real plates vs paper plates for dinner.  Jenn really only cared that I made real mashed potatoes (which I only make twice a year). By late that evening, we were out doing our traditional Black Friday shopping. We did some ordering online and saved a bunch by scanning the flyers before shopping.  We spent the smallest amount of money ever on a Black Friday shopping trip partly because we didn't have any big ticket items to shop for......

We headed out again on Friday for another new experience.  We went to a book signing.  Ainsley Earhardt from Fox and Friends was in Columbia (back in her hometown) promoting her new book.  Jenn and I went and waited on line.  It  was so worth the wait!!  Ainsley was so friendly and really made time to talk to us.  She told Jenn she loved the FDNY t shirt she was wearing.  Ainsley asked if Jenn was from NY? She autographed my book " from one writer to another" In Jenn's book she wrote "To a New Yorker who moved south from a Southerner who moved to New York",  She gave us each a hug and said "God bless you!" And I said "Merry Christmas!!

We just finished decorating the outside of our house......

And this is what I fall asleep to each night and wake up to each morning.....

I am really trying to get into the holiday spirit which is a little harder some days than others......but I am pushing through the tougher one said it was going to always be easy did they???

Lastly, I went to Weight Watchers today.  Taking into consideration the week I had and the strawberry cupcake I had for my birthday......I was up a smidgen.  My leader said that is like a no change since it was so small a difference.  I am hoping I can say the same thing on Jan 2nd......

See you next week......

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