Sunday, January 1, 2017

I Am Back.........

For the first time since I started this blog several years ago, I took a few weeks off....

You might or might not wonder why??

The holidays while wonderful can also be a time when people struggle.  I was struggling.  The memories of the past were so strong that it made the time between Thanksgiving and the New Year a challenge. In retrospect, the time flew.

Here we are......Jan 1st and I made it!!

I didn't let the fact I needed car repairs upset me.

I didn't let the fact our fireplace was not functioning upset me.  I am grateful that Jenn noticed the flames were shooting where they shouldn't!

While we did a little Black Friday shopping, most of our shopping was done online.  There were some great sales too.

We baked cookies several weekends in a row.  They were shipped to family and donated to our local first responders and The Oliver Gospel Mission.

I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" on TV twice and once on the big screen.

Jenn and I attended our 8th annual pre-Christmas dinner at a local restaurant (each year we pick a different place to go).

Christmas Eve and Day were very quiet.  Jenn and I went to Mass on Christmas Eve.  The walls of the church did not vibrate when I walked in.  I was slightly embarrassed that some of the prayer responses had changed since my last visit but I think I did a pretty good job not being too obvious that I didn't know about the changes.

I don't know why the idea of going to Mass kept popping in my head.  Once I found a 4:00 service, I was in.  I loved hearing my favorite Christmas hymns and enjoyed the service.

And now the outside decorations are packed away for another year.  The inside will be packed away by next weekend.

I started 2017 by going to the gym this morning for a jog in the pool.  I used my fitbit and found it fascinating how it kept track of everything I did (including the fact I napped for 65 minutes this afternoon...LOL).

I spent some time writing.  Santa also knows about my love of writing. He made sure I had books with prompts to help me practice writing based on suggested themes and finishing stories, a book of my personal top ten lists and a book about my favorites things.

I am also able to once again focus without distractions on my weight loss journey.  The fridge is full of veggies and fruits.  I am tracking my water.  I am going to try and do my best to get to the gym regularly.  I already have a mental goal as far as what I would like the scale to read by next Christmas.

I did enjoy some treats I would not normally allow myself but my conscience kept me from losing control altogether.

I almost always feel great when I leave the gym...well in order to feel those endorphins I need to get my butt into the gym more often. As the sign at the gym reads, "half the battle is showing up".

In addition to my focus on weight and a healthier lifestyle......I have decided work/life balance is a priority. I should be filling my non-work hours doing things that I enjoy.  How can I ever get published if I don't finish one of the pieces I am working on???

Chapter 3 is happening even as I write this entry...... Jenn, who knows me just about better than anyone else nailed it with two Christmas gifts.  One is a collage of me and my family....great photo's.

And the other speaks for itself......

Here's to is going to be a great year......

See you next week.....

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