Sunday, January 29, 2017

Increasing my steps weekly and the prayer box

In the last week, I have focused on the two items mentioned in the title of this entry.

My fitbit.....

Since I started wearing my fitbit during the day, I have seen a big increase in the number of steps I take each day.  The notification that I still have steps to complete any given hour gets me moving.  I hate the fact that I take unrecorded steps during the night on trips to the bathroom. I am not willing to wear it at night since as I mentioned in an earlier post, I do not want to see my sleep patterns.

Each day, I push to hit a higher number of steps then the day before.  So far I have been successful.  I have been reaping the benefits of this new focus at my weekly weigh-ins.

The fact that it is waterproof also helps so I can wear it in the shower and the pool at the gym.

I am not great at tracking the water I consume each day.  I will have to try and focus on that this week.

The Prayer Box....

One of the gifts I received at Christmas was a small prayer box.  The small wood box is the place to put my prayer requests or worries.  By writing down my prayer requests or concern, I am passing it over to God to handle.

While I am religious, I refer to myself as a Christian.  I believe in God and that Jesus died for our sins.  I do believe very strongly in the power of prayer.....even when the answer is not what I had hoped for but do accept.

Following the formal aspects of religion......I am not so good.  Let's just say I am a work in progress. As I have stated before a priest once told me I was not a good Catholic but I was a good Christian.  I was OK with that comment when it was made to me over 30 years ago and am still OK with that comment now.

The prayer box does give me a chance to acknowledge that I am not in control of everything and some of my decisions are really made by a higher power.

Once I feel a prayer request has been answered or a worry/concern has faded, I move the slip of paper I wrote on from the box to a jar I keep about good things that happen to me during the year.

Sometimes that little slip of paper stays in the box a day and I have already had some in the box for weeks and may be there for months....I will know when it is time to move it.

A simple wood box, a few slips of paper and a tiny pen......that's all it takes right now to help me make decisions, find peace......and sleep a little better.  I am sure at the end of 2017, I will go through all the little slips of paper.  I will almost have to think back and try to remember what some were about and others will be things that caused changes in my life.

Not a bad gift .....right ???

See you next week......

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