Sunday, January 22, 2017

So where am I three weeks into the New Year.......

I tend to think I know all the answers.  Then all of a sudden someone tells me something and it registers as something worth trying.

Reaching a point of frustration last week, one of my WW buddies made a suggestion. I mentioned my Fitbit vibrates at 10 of each hour.  It was suggested that instead of just thinking to myself  "it's 10:50 or 11:50".....I should get up and walk.  That's the whole point of having the keep track of my movements. I decided I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try.  While it may not seem like a lot to the end of the week I had walked almost 9 miles.  Each day I took more steps than the day before. If you looked in my window you might have seen me taking laps inside my house to beat the previous days step count. I did do a couple of hours jogging in the pool at the gym too.  Jenn also increased my daily step goal for next week......oh joy......

Right now my knees are not happy with fact they are very mad at me.  I wake up to aches. Jenn showed me a Marine poster that says "Pain is weakness leaving the body." If that statement is true then I disposed of a lot of weakness in the last 7 days.

I am also purchasing stock in Aleve this week......

The other challenge I face is my asthma has been kicking my butt lately. I think it has to do with the crazy weather we have been experiencing.  Two weeks ago it was below freezing and yesterday near 80.  While I don't mind the warm weather, the change in the temp's and climate does a job on me.

I am back to drinking a lot of water and logging it in on my Fitbit.  I am tracking everything I eat.  I have tried to once again have a good variety of options in the fridge and pantry.

On other fronts, Chapter 3 is taking shape......slowly but steadily. 

I am more focused on not working late each night. 

I am trying to spend more time reading.  

I am spending more time writing.  

I am spending more time on me...... 

Having the holidays behind me makes looking ahead mind is not stuck with thoughts of the past once the holidays are least until next November rolls around.  Some of the sadness I was feeling has lifted.  As I look ahead I continue to worry about a million different things but that is just my nature and I doubt that part of me will ever change.

I have thought seriously about not going on FB as much, too.  The negativity of the recent political season has caused me to unfriend and unfollow some people.  I have tried really really hard to not state my opinion in order to avoid getting into verbal battles with others. 

I will say I believe in the process....the electoral college allows my vote here in SC to matter as much as someone in NY.  Our founding fathers were brilliant in their thought process (although their fear was Boston, New York and Philadelphia would make the decision for all of the colonies).  I also love the fact that our transfer of power is handled in a way so differently than in so many other places around the world.

This has been a stretch for a blog entry....from my Fitbit to Inauguration Day......see how a mind can wander???

I need to sign off......I still have a couple of hundred steps to go today......I can't help but think of the lines "and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep"....I am sure Robert Frost didn't have my laps around the house in mind when he wrote those words but they seem appropriate for what I am trying to accomplish......

See you next week........

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