Sunday, January 8, 2017

Christmas Every Day and 2017......

I spent a lot of time this week thinking about leaving the Christmas tree up for the next 365 days.  I love the tree and the wonderful view I have while I work each day.  I thought I could write about what it's like to have the tree up at Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Halloween.

The idea seemed fun and like a challenge. I am seriously considering it for next year.  I do have a table top Christmas tree in my front window that I decorate for each month of the year.  My big tree, I was going to leave as it is decorated for Christmas.  I am sure people who saw it would ask "why". The great part about being a writer is the answer "it's for a story I am writing" suffices. Although, I might have people thinking...hhhhmmmmm.....I can still get a pass.

Why not leave the tree up?  Why not enjoy it's beauty? Who says it must go away? Look at the difference in my views.....which would you prefer.....

It's only another 10 months or so until it goes up again.  And watch out 2018.....that might be the year of Christmas Every Day.......

I wrote last week I started using my fitbit.  I like using it to track my steps and keep track of the water I drink. I DO NOT LIKE THE WAY IT TRACKS MY SLEEP PATTERNS!! I know I am a very restless sleeper. I do not need to look at the fitbit to see I slept 7 hours but was awake 4X and restless 5X.  All that ends up doing is stressing me out about how effectively I sleep.  I have started taking it off when I go to bed and putting it on in the morning. This works much better for me!!

I went back to WW today for the first time since 12/18.  WW was closed for my meetings since Christmas and New Year's Day were on Sundays.  I will admit I was apprehensive as I drove to my meeting.  I had really tried to watch what I ate and got in plenty of veggies.  Being away from the scale for 3 weeks is a long time!  This morning, I thought about not going back until next week.   I then thought  "you are just putting off the inevitable".  I am happy to report, I was down at the scale!! I was surprised  and pleased.  Last year had a lot of challenges and it was a roller coaster ride for much of it.  Starting the year with a loss was what I needed.  Now it is back to tracking and water and more veggies and fruit and and and.......I am going to spend sometime today looking for new recipes to keep me from getting bored. We received a new book with some very good food ideas.  I feel recharged and reading to get moving toward my personal goal.

Last week, I forgot to write about my experience with Story Corp. A few years ago CBS Sunday Morning did a piece about a group that was recording the personal histories of volunteers to store in the Folklore section of the Library Of Congress.  They have a few permanent locations where they do their interviews. In addition, also travel around the country in an Airstream RV conducting interviews.  They were here in Columbia for a few weeks.  Their first round of interview times filled up quickly and they started a waiting list.  They opened up some additional times.  I scheduled an appointment. They prefer you be interviewed by someone who knows you vs using one of their staff. This way the recording ends up being more like a conversation. A list of suggested questions is supplied.  Jenn printed the list and decided what questions she wanted to ask me.  Once again, I was somewhat nervous even though this had been my idea....LOL. When we arrived the staff went over the process and we were ready to go.  If the staff wanted additional information on one of my answers they would ask for clarification. The interview lasted 40 minutes and the time flew.

Some of Jenn's questions were:
1.  What kind of advice would you give yourself as a teenager knowing what you do now?  Answer: worry less and say yes to more opportunities.
2.  What have you learned in business? Answer: don't be afraid to admit your mistakes, try to be flexible and keep a sense of humor.
3. Any regrets? Answer: Not spending more time with family, not getting my financial house in order earlier and letting fear rule many decisions.
4.  What would you like God to say to you at the Pearly Gates?  Answer: God saying, "Not perfect but pretty good job.  You helped most of the time when you could. Maybe you could have done a little better in that dept......and I know about a few of those times we are not going to speak about....."

We were given a CD with a copy of the interview and another copy will be a permanent record in Washington, DC.  I was glad we did  it and so was Jenn.

Today begins my favorite and most stressful part of the Sports Season....the playoffs.  The NY Giants are in the post season.....yeah!! As I write this I am wearing my NYG jersey, I have a NY Giants wreath on my front door and a NY Giants flag is flying outside my house.  I am hoping I will be wearing the same shirt next weekend.  If we win today, the flag and wreath stay up.  Oh the stress of gameday....LOL.

Lastly,  one of my goals/resolutions this year is to do some random acts of kindness. I am not doing these random acts for praise.  I am doing them because it feels so darn good!!

Earlier this week, I stopped at McDonald's to purchase Jenn and I Egg White Delites for breakfast for 2 days. When I pulled up to the window to pay, the cashier said the person in front of me paid for me.  I was so surprised and it made me smile (oh ok and cry a little...anyone who knows me would have expected that). I then in turn paid for the person behind me.

Jenn and I have decided each month to bake something and bring it to the Oliver Gospel Mission. They are so appreciative every time we drop off some home baked goods.

Friday night, it was cold, windy and raining.  We had stopped at Walmart to pick up a few things (no not for our big impending snow storm...basically a few flurries).  When we were leaving, I noticed a young man collecting the shopping carts in the lousy weather. I looked in my change purse. I had a $5 bill.  I asked Jenn to give it to him. Jenn got out of the car, caught up with him and said" it's lousy weather and we appreciate you doing your job."  His response was "for me?   word.....".  LOL He was surprised and thankful that someone noticed what he was doing.  I wish I had a $10 bill in my wallet I would have given it to him.

Note to self: keep some extra $ in your wallet for these kinds of situations.

As many have shared, the New Year is a clean slate.....365 blank pages on which we control the entries......I plan on filling them with things that bring me joy!!

See you next week.......

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