Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Blog About Nothing (like a Seinfeld Episode)......I Had Nothing To Write About.....

Yesterday,  I stared at the computer screen......nothing....I had nothing.....I couldn't think of anything to write about....

This doesn't happen too often.....

This is like a Seinfeld episode....the show about nothing....a blog entry about nothing......

I didn't want to write about the lack of Trick or Treater's on Halloween....

I didn't want to write about the birthday present I had bought for Jenn a month ago......Jenn bought herself the same thing yesterday not knowing  I had already gotten it for her......

I didn't want to write about the election......I think more than enough has been written about that.....

I think people have heard enough for now about my process of cleaning out my house.

So I thought and thought......nothing......

Finally, I came up with a few things to write about.....

This morning it was cool.....actually cold by SC standards....38 degrees.....the heat actually kicked on in the house. I decided to wear a jacket and could just carry my cell phone, car keys, wallet and weigh-in card in my pockets as I headed to my Sunday morning meeting..  I walked into WW a few minutes late thanks to being stuck at a RR crossing while a train with a zillion cars passed (OK slight exaggeration....authors prerogative).  I reached for my weigh in card and my wallet....they were not in my pocket.  If you have every lost your wallet you know ho w I was feeling.  Cash, credit card, debit card, drivers license, CWP card and a few other identifying items all missing.  I got weighed in sans my weigh in card. I knew there was no way I could sit through the meeting not knowing where my wallet also crossed my mind that if someone came across my weigh in card that could be embarrassing too.....but then again who really wants the world to know how much you weigh. I went back out to my car ....nothing on the front seat or the floor.  Thank goodness there they were my weigh in card and wallet on the floor in the backseat!!

As I was looking in my car, I heard someone behind me.  It was one of my WW buddies, Sabrina, she had come outside. She thought I was going to skip the meeting.. This is what is great about my WW buddies on Sunday morning.  They thought I was giving up or had a bad week .  It was clear leaving the meeting was not an option  I knew I would not be pulling out of the parking lot even if I wanted to.  I started to laugh but was also amazed that people cared enough about me to make sure I was present to hear the words of encouragement and this week's topic..

When I sat down in the meeting my friends were chuckling.  I announced to the group I had been stalked in the parking lot.  The new members probably thought WHAT??? I told them no one lets you cut out of a meeting.

I so appreciate the concern of my WW pals!!! Some of the plateau's have been hard to hang in through but I am at the meeting just about every Sunday.  We talked about the fact the next 7 or so weeks are the hardest of the year......THE HOLIDAYS!!!!...........we have to plan and track and maybe just have a teaspoonful of what we really, really want.....before you know it 2017 will have arrived!! Do I really want the scale to go up?  Nope.  I will give it my best try and hopefully like last year....I will be down more after the holidays.

The other thing I wanted to write about is ......


Her birthday is this week.  There is no way I could have ever realized the impact of having her in my life would change my life.  From the baby I first saw when she was a few hours old to the adult woman who has become my best friend,  What an amazing trip it has been!! It has gone by in a flash. I would not have passed up one single second of any of the wonderful journey we have shared.

Happy Birthday J !!!! You are the best and deserve the best too!!!!

Not too bad I guess for a blog entry about nothing.....

See you next week.......

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