Sunday, October 30, 2016

How many more things will I find??? More surprises........

As I continue to clean out and purge items from my house you just never know what you will come across.....

Look at these two items.....

A braidini???? I have had hair long enough for one of these in 20 years and a VHS tape with instructions on how to use it.......

Electric curlers???? I haven't had hair long enough for those in 2 decades either.......I am afraid of what else I might come across........

Next was my dresser.  I have been using the same two night shirts.  They are too big but who cares since I don't go out in public wearing them. I had a few more than I thought......9 in all.  Yes, they are all too big but I can still wear them. I must have ordered them over time and never kept track of what I already had.  Some had fallen behind drawers so until we removed the drawers (and vacuumed inside each drawer and behind each drawer) I had no idea they were there.

As I have shared before.....due to my weight loss I have invested in some new unmentionables....they feel silky and have some spandex and microfiber in them so they fit nicely.  That meant out with the all cotton items.

I haven't worn pantyhose or knee highs in over 10 years. That meant I could pitch the 12 pairs of panty hose and 12 plus pairs of knee highs in various colors.

Socks that had lost their elasticity were pitched too.

I did keep a few things:  my favorite maternity top, a t shirt from college and a sweatshirt from the Nauraushaun Indians (the Nauraushaun school was behind my house in NY), a pin from The Glee Club (not sure if it was from PS 71 or JHS 101), my girl scout sash with all badges and pins attached), a pin that look liked an artists palette from 4th grade, a button from my favorite dress coat that I was given when I was about 10 (kelly green dress coat), there was a button from the uniform I wore my 1st year in HS at an all girl's Catholic HS (Preston) and a bell from a 4th grade trip to Carnegie Hall. On that trip each student was given a bell and when the conductor pointed at the students we would ring the bells.  And as the old very bad joke goes.... the conductor said we could all now say we had played at Carnegie Hall.

Out went 3 t shirts that were not only way too big and they had holes in them (one of my friends called the kites).  Also, among the pile of gotta go things was several pairs of jeans that fall off when I tried them on.

Jenn was helping me sort and put things back in place.

And then it happened.........

OK guys you might want to bail now from the rest of this blog because the visual might give you nightmares......

As I was looking and examining and sorting...... hear Jenn say "What is this??" I looked up and the she sat holding.......a thong.....yes I said a thong......brand new in black.

Jenn tried really hard to control herself.........for about 10 seconds. started.  She literally was laying on the floor laughing and crying at the same time.  She said  "Mom, what are you doing with a thong?"

As I was trying to act nonchalant and said to her "It was free when I went to buy some clothes."  I was mortified and she was still hysterical laughing.  Her laughter was not mean and she finally said "you are my don't wear thong's"......the tears continued to run down her face.

I said "just throw it out" and she said "Oh no you are keeping it."  Getting a little defensive now I said " I haven't worn them yet and I might never wear them" (Just the thought of how ridiculous I would look would give me a nightmare). I could just picture me ending up in the ER wearing them and the ER staff hysterical laughing.

This year I felt I had lived on the edge with underwire  bras from my bra fitting and my other favorite item Spanx.......the black thong was supposed to be my secret.......and I was not sure I would even have the guts to put them on but there I sat turning three shades of red secret was out.

And now I have shared it with was too funny to not write about.

The next time you see me....please, please, please do not look at my ass to see if there is a panty line and guess if I finally got the nerve to put them is a pretty safe bet that item will never touch my skin.......

Another of my secrets bites the made me think what will Jenn find when I die and think "Really Mom??" I doubt there is anything that could cause me more discomfort.....

As I read Jenn this entry her only comment was "Mom, that was funny shit"......dear God help me......

Just a few more quick notes....

I went back to WW today and as I told them at the meeting I feel like I am on an elevator up a floor and down two floors but I am not giving up. I said without my meetings the elevator would go all they way back to the top floor and who would want to go back there again.  Still working toward the next BIG number and this is the challenging time of the year but I will get through it!!!! And hopefully hit a new high in weigh loss as we ring in the New Year.

I have also been writing a minimum of 10 minutes a day as it was suggested in my classes last week. I write about what ever pops into my head and it has been fun.

I am thinking about doing a NC/SC lighthouse tour....AAA and FB both had directions to 7-8 lighthouses that I would love to see.

Tomorrow is Halloween.  I doubt we will get many Trick or Treaters but that's OK with me. I am already watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel.

PS Those few quick notes were added in hopes you would forget the part of this entry about.....the thong....LOL LOL.....

See you next week......

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