Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Tote Bag, A Festival, An Island and Me....

Let me start by saying the last few days have been amazing!!!!

Earlier last week one of my underwriters surprised me and sent me a tote bag she had made for me.  The material used was Van Gogh's Starry Night.  It is the perfect size to carry all of my writing materials.  It also has an outside pocket for my cell phone.  It is so me!!

It's arrival was perfect timing. I was spending the end of the week attending writing classes in Beaufort.

I headed out very early Friday morning (6:30AM) with my new tote. I had packed it with my IPAD, chargers, a hard cover notebook with a cover of gold glitter, two gel pens (pink and blue) and my cell phone.

I attended two Memoir classes at the Pat Conroy Literary Festival. The time spent at those classes in Beaufort were eye opening. I learned so much and felt like a sponge taking it all in.

Class 1 on Friday was supposed to last 90 minutes.  It went on for almost 3 hours.  There aren't many places where I feel comfortable from the start but put me in a room of writers and I am home. The instructor shared and asked and encouraged discussion. The class started by us each talking about why we were given our names.  My answer was " I am Italian from the Bronx in the 1950's.  Donna Marie was a very common name." Not a very exciting story but the facts as I know them. And I think my parents liked the name Donna and Marie just seemed to go with it.  I went to school with several Donna Marie's......similar to the name Jennifer in the 80's and 90's. Our next exercise was writing something referencing each of the 5 senses.  I didn't have a problem with sight, hear, smell or taste.  I did struggle with touch but finally managed to get some words down. We then moved on to writing about any picture we had with us.  I chose to write about the last picture taken of my Mom and me at my nephews wedding a few years ago. The day ended when we were given a homework assignment for our next class.

When asked what to do when you suffer from writers block the instructor said "when you have writers block.....lower your standards"...great advice. She also said you need to write at least 10 minutes a day. It can be about anything from French Toast to music.

After the extended class, I headed out to visit my friends at the beach.  I was very cusious to see how they had fared after the recent hurricane.  It was very quick visit but we still managed to squeeze in a golf cart ride, vodka and conversation that went from politics to Chapter 3.  There is something great about old friends who pass no judgement, make suggestions and really only want the best for you.  They also accept you as you are faults and all.  My friends encourage, are positive and sometimes point out things I hadn't noticed.  It is great free group therapy.

Saturday, it was back to class. This class also ran much longer than scheduled and no one seemed to mind.  Now it was like walking into a room of friends.  We had shared so much the day before we were no longer strangers. After some general discussion, we started to share what we had written the night before.  I chose to write a letter to my Mom about my life since she left us.  It had humor and sadness as I moved from paragraph to paragraph.  When I was done reading my words, people applauded.  Several turned to me and said "I would love to read that memoir and I would buy it".  I felt so pleased !!

I may share some of the writing I did this weekend in future blog entries. I don't think it was an accident that I found these classes on memoirs.  I was meant to be there.

When class was over a group of us decided to form our own writers group.  This gives us each an avenue to share, encourage and have our work critiqued. This will be a great new opportunity.

Before I knew it I was heading back to Columbia.

I missed my Weight Watcher class this morning.  I will be back there next week.  I have passed up many events to make it to those meetings. I now feel secure enough on my path to miss an occasional meeting in order to attend another event. Life is about choices and I am finally making decisions just for me.  If it means missing a meeting now and then to spend time with friends and family or go on an outing that's OK......part of Chapter 3 is living life to it's fullest......and that is exactly what I intend to do......

See you next week......

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