Sunday, October 9, 2016

Change, change and more change.....the intro to Chapter 3

When I moved into my current residence I put the furniture where I thought it would look best.........
and there it stayed......
for more than 16 years......

No re-arranging for me......
No vision.....
No least when it comes to home interiors.....

I have spent the last few weeks purging and tossing things out.....
a pair of night tables.....
a large amoire.....
a headboard.....

Clothes closets have been examined......

I cleaned out my front/coat closet.  I was able to hang each of my shawls on a separate hanger.  Now, I can see them all, I do not have to hunt for one or forget any I have.

Every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen has had an initial review.....

Who needs 14 coffee mugs or 10 water bottles....
I have a Keurig...... so why would I need a 12 cup AND 4 cup coffee maker???

6 coffee mugs survived the cut but for a change I was able to choose which ones I wanted to keep.

You have to remove every drawer to find some treasures.  It is amazing how many things fall out of drawers and end up in the cabinet below.

Knives.....missing pieces of flatware.....a shoe horn.....all hidden after falling out of the sharp implement drawer.....although I have never heard of  anyone being stabbed  to death with an old shoe horn.....

I had more than 16 pairs of corn holders.......why?????

I got rid of 12 juice glasses.  I do not drink juice and have never ever had enough people here drinking juice to need those.

I had kitchen utensils that I couldn't identify.

I cleaned out the little key bucket on the kitchen contained.....

two sets of car keys for cars we no longer own......
6 house keys......I guess I kept having them made.....
3 luggage keys.....
several keys that I have no idea what they are for......
2 girl scout badges....
some screws and bolts (I held on to those because Lord knows what they are from)
some lanyards labeled Gatorade and various schools.....

And on and on......

It has been easier than anticipated to part with most treasures.....

During this process of change and out with the old.......I am slowly ....very slowly..... finding is a long road ahead but most days are not too bad......I do run into those totally unexpected moments that hit me like a 2 X 4 and make me sad......

I have also had very understanding family and friends that when I say "I can't talk about it now"..... they will just let it go and move on to something else.....

Decisions and changes that have taken this long to happen are bound to lead me to some rough moments......but I do push on.....

Working on my health and weight go hand in hand with all the changes that surround me......all slow but all in the right direction. I am pleased with the way it is going and try not look back with regret too often....

Over the past few years, Jenn has done a great job of spotting bargains and knows my taste.  One of her finds was a room divider at Hobby Lobby for $20.  It has been standing folded up for the last couple of years  in a space between my dryer and a wall.  When I was doing the laundry last week,  I looked at it and in one of the very, very rare moments of designing creativity I have ever experienced....I thought to myself..... "I wonder how this would look as a headboard".......

Jenn helped me lift it into place and guess what??? It looks great!!! Not like some of the beautifully matched bedroom suites I know a lot of people have..... but guess what.....this is more me than a very expensive matching bedroom set..... add the $19.99 quilt and $6.00 matching pillow shams from Walmart and it really works......(the quilt and pillow shams were another Jenn Pizzo find)......Jenn is now on a mission to find me some bargain night tables to replace my practical but not very fashionable tv table/night tables.....LOL

Now the bedroom with the new headboard, quilt, pillow shams and my Mom's desk with all my treasures really feels right.....for me.......

And that's all that really matters.....

My headboard.....

My space......

See you next week........

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