Sunday, October 29, 2017

More small stuff that makes me happy.....

About 10 years ago, I started writing a daily journal of gratitude (also known as 5 good things about the day).

Here are some samplings of this week's entries:

-having coffee at the Waterfront Park and enjoying the beautiful morning
-talking to my nephew about a long ago Christmas memory
-talking to a greatniece on the phone and hearing her childlike voice tell me about Halloween
-smelling dinner cooking in the crockpot
-dropping off 2 cases of soups for the local food drive
-having a cup of hot coffee waiting on my desk EVERY morning even when my friend Mary isn't in   the office (she will ask someone else to handle that task for her)
- stopping at a neighbors house to pick up a Halloween goodie for Jeter
-finding a Christmas flag to fly outside the house for only $5
-turning on the heat for the first time this year and smelling that familiar scent as the dust burns off   the heater (ok I know my NY family and friends are thinking....really 57 degrees???)
-working from home one day this week
-laughing with a friend over a really funny TV show
-making it back and forth on the daily commute safely
-going to a dinner where I didn't know a soul and not only surviving the evening  but actually having   a lovely time and looking forward to next months gathering
-a small surprise gift made me smile
-my team hitting goal before month end
-picking up firewood and fire starters so I can use the fireplace on the weekends
-Hallmark countdown to Christmas has started- Christmas movies 24/7 on 2 channels
-finding a store that makes bagels as good as in NY- (really good for an occasional treat)
-getting the needed part so I can listen to my IPOD on my commute (Jenn does get to veto my choices)

All in all a good week, when you take the "small stuff' into consideration.....

See you next week......

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