Sunday, October 15, 2017

So my elevator does not always go to the top floor.....

With the traveling I do Monday through Friday, routine is absolutely key to me getting everything done in order to not run late.

As soon as I walk through the door at night, I am in my kitchen.  I get my lunch ready for the next day, off to my bedroom to pull out my vitamins and pills that need to be taken in the morning, lay out clothes for the next day and take a shower right before bedtime in order to save precious minutes in the morning. Also, I make sure my work bag is in whichever car that will make the trip to Lexington the next day and my IPOD is charged for the ride.  I am just a tiny bit nicer if I have music for the ride.  I do not take coffee with me since that might mean a stop on the commute and every minute counts. Without my out!!

In the morning, the alarm goes off at 5AM.  I cannot even sit on the edge of the bed for a minute or two for fear of laying down and falling back to sleep.  I take out all the things I need from the cabinet under my sink.....hairspray, blow dryer, deodorant, moisturizer, makeup, toothbrush, toothpaste and vitamins.  Then it is back to my bedroom to moisturize and take morning pills and vitamins.  I cannot put on the news because it might slow me down. Now back to the bathroom to do my hair, brush my teeth and put on my makeup. By this time it is getting close to 6AM.  Bed made, everything back in order in the bathroom and head to the kitchen.  Most mornings Jenn's has already grabbed my lunch bag and put it in the car.  The goal is to be out of the driveway between 6:00 and 6:10.  The majority of  mornings we make it because of the routine we have adopted.

But just one small thing can happen which can cause you to miss a step.  Forget an earring, put your underwear on inside out.....I have even put a nightshirt on backwards....or a blouse on inside happens......

I had a day like that this week and I promised my coworkers I would write about it today.....

One of the managers I work with stopped by my office.  We were talking about makeup.  She commented in how well my eye shadow lasts throughout the day. After she left my office, I looked in the mirror near my desk. Then I looked again.  Finally, I took off my eyeglasses and did a final check.

Yes, it was clear I had missed a step in my  morning routine.....

I lay out my makeup in the morning like a surgeon lays out their instruments.  I have a very specific order.  Jenn came in to talk to me during my makeup application process and my routine was broken.

What had I skipped or forgotten to do you ask?

I had only put eye shadow on one eye.  One eye !!! I had walked around all day looking like an idiot!!

It wasn't like I hadn't put it on both eyes....JUST ONE EYE.  I felt a need to only talk to people sideways so they wouldn't notice.  I told my work buddies who thought it was terribly funny.  I don't blame them for laughing I looked like an idiot.....I wasn't upset I just kept thinking how could I have missed one eye?? Then I remember talking to Jenn and obviously forgot where I left off.

You might think to yourself "skip the makeup and you won't have these kinds of issues"....not a chance I would go to work with no makeup.  I have only done that twice.......once because I had  a really, really bad cold and the other time I had 20 stitches in my face and there was no way of working around them.

In order for you to more fully understand the difference between no  makeup and makeup (yes, including hair done)....which would you prefer to look like all day?????

Why would I want to look like the picture below when with hair done and makeup applied I can look like this.....

OK I can't believe I am sharing this pic but here makeup or hair done.....

See the difference??????

OK so one other thing to share so you really get that I am not playing with a full deck.....just noticed this recently.......

the material for my dining room chair cushions.....

my underwear......

Really......same design????

I could sit on my dining room chair and blend in with the chair material (I know that would only happen if I was not wearing pants and just the undies which is not something I would normally do)???? Please note- I did not pick out the chair coverings and the undies were bought by me at a different time....

Well that is enough to leave you scratching your head and wondering how I have made it this far in life without serious therapy being suggested......

See you next week......

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