Sunday, January 28, 2018

How Could It Be Sunday Again.......

Quote of the week:
"Only I can change my Life. No one can do it for me" -- Carol Burnett

As I write this I am sitting in my pj's (or night shirt as the case would be).  It is 4:25 PM and I have been in my pj's since about 3:30. 

I got up today and ran errands.  Yes, I was dressed appropriately to go shopping.  When I got home I wanted to do the laundry.  I do re-wear my pj's for a few nights.  Which equals my laundry basket will be empty until tomorrow night.  I do obsess about things like that.....just add it to the list which includes: no dishes in the sink or the drain board (or the dish washer must be emptied if that applies), bed must be made, nothing left on the counter top in the bathroom, work laptop and lunch bag by the door ready for an early departure, lunch made for the next day as soon as I walk through the door at night....and on and on.

Monday mornings are the hardest knowing there are another 5 days ahead of me.  Friday nights are the best knowing there are two days off in front of me.  It seems I blink my eyes and it is Sunday afternoon again.

I am sure I am not the only person who feels their life is like a version of the movie "Groundhog Day"......the same week lived over and over again.

Meals have been planned for the week, the bills have been paid (part of my Sunday routine), the car is fueled up for the Monday commute and I have planned out my work clothes for the next 5 days.

A little does make the week run smoother.....

Monday through Friday is not is busy, hectic and constant.  The few minutes of relaxation before I go to sleep are the reward for surviving the day.  I love those moments as that is when I can let my mind wander without deadlines......except the deadline I set myself to fall asleep in order to get some rest for the next day. 

I guess it is clear there is not a great deal of flexibility in my makeup.....I wish it is just not part of my DNA...damn it !! I also know without the schedule I would live in a state of chaos.

I realized today, I had taken my wristwatch off on Thursday when I returned home from work and have not worn it all weekend.  The joy of not worrying about what time it is for three days.......well actually one day working from home and two days off.

As much as I love Friday night, I do not like Sunday afternoons because my brain has already started to focus on Monday.

It has been a long time ....a very long time since I didn't think of my life in terms of work weeks.  I know there will be time in the future where a calendar or a clock will not rule my life.....but until that happens I just have to make the most of the weekends.......

See you next week.......

PS I was able to get to my local Weight Watcher meeting Friday.  The topic was "Why am I here at WW?" When I was asked the question my response was .......I am in Chapter Three of my life and I don't want it to be a 2 page chapter.....I want Chapter Three to last a long, long time.......

I was also happy to be down at the scales.....back on track and moving on.......

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trying To Connect The Dots.....Random Stuff

Quote of the week: "Above all be the heroine of your life not the victim"- Nora Ephrom

If you are under 30, you might want to skip this entry.  If you are 40 some of this you might get.  50+..... bingo......I am pretty sure you will understand....

I am going to try and somehow pull all of this entry into one that at the end makes it look like I knew where I was going all along......LOL.....let's see how it goes......

The week included a holiday,  a 2nd snow event in as many weeks, a delayed opening at work and an office move.  My brother had a birthday.  And on the 20th, it was 33 years since my Dad passed away.

Talking with my brother about our shared experiences made us both laugh.  The scary part was these memories were well over 50 years ago.

My Dad was just 51 when we lost him.  ALL of his children have out lived him.  How could it be 33 years?  It doesn't seem that long ago.  He missed knowing several of his grandchildren and never became a great grandparent.  His children all lived within 10 minutes of the only house he would ever own until he passed. Born in the Bronx and died in Pearl River less than 30 miles from where he was born.  His children have all moved to new locations much further than he might have anticipated. There have been births, deaths, marriages and divorces.....all without Dad.

When you start to realize your friendships outside your family go back 20, 35 and even 45 years it is astounding, mind boggling and also scary.....

This summer I will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of my move to South Carolina.

As you can see I am not talking about insignificant periods of time here.......

I do struggle with saying my age and have had comments made about my age that hurt my feelings......the same way comments about my weight have hurt me in the past ( I hear fewer of these since people recognize I am working and focus on losing weight and improved health).

But.......I have started to realize my age is a gift.  How many people have I lost who would have given anything to make it to 62? Trying new things may still be intimidating but I now push myself vs passing up an opportunity.

This week I went to another dinner......alone.  Before I left the house, I thought I was going to be sick....physically sick.  I knew if I gave into my fears I would be limiting myself and not be able to enjoy the new opportunities.  I went to the dinner and had a wonderful time.  I am looking forward to next month!!

I signed up for another writers seminar on memoir writing which I will attend alone. For some reason, I have no fear attending those alone ......maybe because you know when you walk in the room you are with people who have similar interests.

The hard part about being a writer is that people don't get to see your work.  Unlike an artist or photographer or a knitter (Kathy you new this was coming ....LOL) when you write it is private until you have a finished product and have gone through a zillion revisions.

 OK here is the challenge....trying to tie all of this together.....

When I was 30 I felt 60 was that I have passed that benchmark.......I don't see it that way.  True, there are things my body can no longer do with ease. But in my head and heart.....I am still young.

Maybe in some ways.....age is eye appreciate life more....the sunrises....the sunsets....the laughter.....waking up each day..........and the love and joy for a life filled with family and friends.

I still see a long path ahead of me with adventures, challenges and doing things that haven't even made my "to do" list yet.

While I can speak about events from 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ago......don't let that fool you.......age is just that....... a number......... and I am no where near close to the finish line yet.

See you next week............


Good things this week:
1.  Jenn and I are still #1 in the football pool !!
2.  I experimented with a WW banana pound cake and it came out great (not like last weeks experiment that ended up in the trash).
3.  I found out I can watch CBS shows live on Hululive (for some reason I thought they were delayed) more cable TV here !!
4.  With a great deal of assistance, my office was moved (4th move in about 3 years) in less than an hour.  I was grateful to the guys who crawled under my desk to hook up my computer so I really never missed a beat work-wise.
5.  One night this week I pulled in my driveway at 7:40 PM !!!!!!
6.  A 2 hour delayed opening meant sleeping until 6:00 AM and not leaving the house until 7:00 AM!!! WOO HOO !!!!

One thing I forgot to mention last week that was fun.  Never ever tell me you are thinking about doing something that I think is a fabulous idea !! My poor friend, Mary, mentioned she would like to get a second piercing in her ears. I was relentless in encouraging her (basically a pain in the ass).  Before Mary knew it we were at the jewelers and she was getting it done.  being the good friend I am......I pulled a chair over and watched with a huge grin on my face !!

Monday, January 15, 2018

A bunch of random things make for an easy week in the journal of gratitude........

Quote for the week: "Hope begins when you stand in the dark and look out in the light"......from the Hallmark Movie, "The Christmas Train"

For the last 10 years or so,  I have been writing 5 good things about each day in a journal.. The stack of journals is getting pretty impressive.  From time to time, I will go back and see what made for a good day 2 years ago or 5 years ago.  Sometimes it is a simple comment, other times I can't remember what my entry meant and then there are the lines that might sound cryptic and only I understand what they mean.

At some point when I am no longer around, they might get pitched but then again I would love to have had at least one journal of my Mom's to see what made her happy.  I would say my Dad but I don't see this daily exercise as a guy thing.

Last week was such an easy week to find things to write about......there were days when I could have written 6 or 7 or 8 things that made me happy......I love weeks like that !!!!

None of the items on last week's list cost a lot of money which proves that at least to me that money doesn't buy happiness.

Here are some of the entries:
1.   I was given a Santa Claus hat with a tiara attached.
2.   A friend picked up Edamame noodles for me at Costco.
3.   The snow didn't melt for a few days and looked beautiful
4.   We are number #1 on the football pool for the year and amazingly have picked all the playoff games correctly.
5.   I went to Hilton Head for the first time and had lunch with friends.
6.   I binge watched "The Crown" I really have to wait until 2019 for Season 3 ???
7.   I had an amazing grilled pork chop at Mary's and prepared by Brandon the Grill Master.
8.   I tasted banana/strawberry moonshine and it was awesome..
9.   Jenn found me cauliflower pizza crusts at Trader Joe's
10. We were able to buy a 16 oz container of Locatelli at Sams for $4 less than what we would have spent at Publix for the same size container.
11.  I joined two writers groups and found a couple of workshops coming up (one on Memoirs which is right up my alley!!).
12.  One of the writer's groups will even share my blog (and if I had a website they would share that too).
13. I am having a ring resized (a smaller size than I used to wear)...grand total $10.
14. The new button down nightshirts I ordered at Christmas in a smaller size.... fit !! (time to pitch the old nightshirts).
15. Getting back on track with Weight Watchers feels so good...I feel so much more in control !!

And that's not all the entries.....

I left out the clarity of the stars some nights, getting home safely in the rain and fog, I am lucky to have someone willing to let Jenn and I camp out at her house once (and last week twice) a week, I had a three day weekend,

Finally,  I have the glow of my ceramic Christmas Tree to look at each night as I fall asleep.....only 49 more weeks to go......

See you next week......

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Snow and Ice......this is South Carolina .....correct???

"I have traveled the world over, but no matter where I go the Lowcountry still calls me home."
Pat Conroy

In September, we had a hurricane.  It wasn't tremendous in magnitude but was enough to flood roads. and lose power.  Roughly 10 miles down the road, there was mandatory evacuation. It was hurricane season so this was not a huge surprise.  Hurricane Irma......we decided to stay put and fortunately although there was flooding....we suffered no significant damage. I understood that where I was moving the term "hurricane season" would take on a new meaning.

Hurricane season ends and all is quiet until the heat starts to return in the late spring......

All is quiet.......

Until recently, that statement was true......

It has been colder than normal in South Carolina and definitely colder in the lowcountry.

Here are some of the signals how cold it has been.....
-I have been wearing a jacket on a regular basis
- I wore gloves each morning
- I wore a scarf covering my mouth (not to keep me quiet) in order to keep the cold air from burning   my throat and aggravating my asthma
- and the most shocking signal.....I traded in my beloved flip flops/sandals for closed toe shoes ( I did go without socks and the shoes had no backs on them) but my toes were covered

Then we heard the "S" word.......the word that raises panic like just about no other in the south......SNOW......the reports were varied.....we would get would miss us.....we would get ice, sleet and freezing rain (I know there is a difference in those three terms but am not sure exactly what the difference is.....for me they all mean a greater chance of my biggest fear......falling)....

I decided on Tuesday night to plan on staying put Wednesday and see what happened.

The ice started in the

I will drive in snow but I do not screw with ice.  Then there was the switch over to snow.  It was so beautiful and went on for hours.  We ended up with about 4 inches of snow and a layer of ice underneath.  We lost power for a few hours.  The fireplace was put into service and provided great warmth all day and evening.

The most surprising part is the snow is still here 5 days later. There are still icy patches on the road.  I now remember what the term fishtail means. I can't remember another time in the almost 20 years I have lived in the south, where any snow wasn't gone within 24 to 48 hours max.

It is supposed to go into the 50's tomorrow so all remnants of the winter treat will be gone.

Was it an inconvenience ....yes......

Was it treacherous to drive in....yes due to the layer of ice underneath......

Did I hate driving the backroads in the dark for fear of not seeing a patch of ice......absolutely.....

On the plus side......I loved waking up to see it each morning......I am glad it didn't melt in a few hours......and I didn't fall on the ice !!

To me it was an extra Christmas gift delivered a little late but then again I am trying to keep my Christmas feeling all year round .....

See you next week.......

 PS I pitched all the holiday goodies.  Back to veggies and chicken and fruit.  Back to counting points and trying to get my steps in each day.......

Someone on TV said don't call it a New Year's it a commitment.  With the sale of the house, moving, packing, unpacking, job re-org behind me .....along with the other things going on in my life......the New Year gave me a chance to get back on track and that is where my head is at....let's hope the rest of me follows suit.....