Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trying To Connect The Dots.....Random Stuff

Quote of the week: "Above all be the heroine of your life not the victim"- Nora Ephrom

If you are under 30, you might want to skip this entry.  If you are 40 some of this you might get.  50+..... bingo......I am pretty sure you will understand....

I am going to try and somehow pull all of this entry into one that at the end makes it look like I knew where I was going all along......LOL.....let's see how it goes......

The week included a holiday,  a 2nd snow event in as many weeks, a delayed opening at work and an office move.  My brother had a birthday.  And on the 20th, it was 33 years since my Dad passed away.

Talking with my brother about our shared experiences made us both laugh.  The scary part was these memories were well over 50 years ago.

My Dad was just 51 when we lost him.  ALL of his children have out lived him.  How could it be 33 years?  It doesn't seem that long ago.  He missed knowing several of his grandchildren and never became a great grandparent.  His children all lived within 10 minutes of the only house he would ever own until he passed. Born in the Bronx and died in Pearl River less than 30 miles from where he was born.  His children have all moved to new locations much further than he might have anticipated. There have been births, deaths, marriages and divorces.....all without Dad.

When you start to realize your friendships outside your family go back 20, 35 and even 45 years it is astounding, mind boggling and also scary.....

This summer I will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of my move to South Carolina.

As you can see I am not talking about insignificant periods of time here.......

I do struggle with saying my age and have had comments made about my age that hurt my feelings......the same way comments about my weight have hurt me in the past ( I hear fewer of these since people recognize I am working and focus on losing weight and improved health).

But.......I have started to realize my age is a gift.  How many people have I lost who would have given anything to make it to 62? Trying new things may still be intimidating but I now push myself vs passing up an opportunity.

This week I went to another dinner......alone.  Before I left the house, I thought I was going to be sick....physically sick.  I knew if I gave into my fears I would be limiting myself and not be able to enjoy the new opportunities.  I went to the dinner and had a wonderful time.  I am looking forward to next month!!

I signed up for another writers seminar on memoir writing which I will attend alone. For some reason, I have no fear attending those alone ......maybe because you know when you walk in the room you are with people who have similar interests.

The hard part about being a writer is that people don't get to see your work.  Unlike an artist or photographer or a knitter (Kathy you new this was coming ....LOL) when you write it is private until you have a finished product and have gone through a zillion revisions.

 OK here is the challenge....trying to tie all of this together.....

When I was 30 I felt 60 was that I have passed that benchmark.......I don't see it that way.  True, there are things my body can no longer do with ease. But in my head and heart.....I am still young.

Maybe in some ways.....age is eye appreciate life more....the sunrises....the sunsets....the laughter.....waking up each day..........and the love and joy for a life filled with family and friends.

I still see a long path ahead of me with adventures, challenges and doing things that haven't even made my "to do" list yet.

While I can speak about events from 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ago......don't let that fool you.......age is just that....... a number......... and I am no where near close to the finish line yet.

See you next week............


Good things this week:
1.  Jenn and I are still #1 in the football pool !!
2.  I experimented with a WW banana pound cake and it came out great (not like last weeks experiment that ended up in the trash).
3.  I found out I can watch CBS shows live on Hululive (for some reason I thought they were delayed) more cable TV here !!
4.  With a great deal of assistance, my office was moved (4th move in about 3 years) in less than an hour.  I was grateful to the guys who crawled under my desk to hook up my computer so I really never missed a beat work-wise.
5.  One night this week I pulled in my driveway at 7:40 PM !!!!!!
6.  A 2 hour delayed opening meant sleeping until 6:00 AM and not leaving the house until 7:00 AM!!! WOO HOO !!!!

One thing I forgot to mention last week that was fun.  Never ever tell me you are thinking about doing something that I think is a fabulous idea !! My poor friend, Mary, mentioned she would like to get a second piercing in her ears. I was relentless in encouraging her (basically a pain in the ass).  Before Mary knew it we were at the jewelers and she was getting it done.  being the good friend I am......I pulled a chair over and watched with a huge grin on my face !!

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