Monday, January 15, 2018

A bunch of random things make for an easy week in the journal of gratitude........

Quote for the week: "Hope begins when you stand in the dark and look out in the light"......from the Hallmark Movie, "The Christmas Train"

For the last 10 years or so,  I have been writing 5 good things about each day in a journal.. The stack of journals is getting pretty impressive.  From time to time, I will go back and see what made for a good day 2 years ago or 5 years ago.  Sometimes it is a simple comment, other times I can't remember what my entry meant and then there are the lines that might sound cryptic and only I understand what they mean.

At some point when I am no longer around, they might get pitched but then again I would love to have had at least one journal of my Mom's to see what made her happy.  I would say my Dad but I don't see this daily exercise as a guy thing.

Last week was such an easy week to find things to write about......there were days when I could have written 6 or 7 or 8 things that made me happy......I love weeks like that !!!!

None of the items on last week's list cost a lot of money which proves that at least to me that money doesn't buy happiness.

Here are some of the entries:
1.   I was given a Santa Claus hat with a tiara attached.
2.   A friend picked up Edamame noodles for me at Costco.
3.   The snow didn't melt for a few days and looked beautiful
4.   We are number #1 on the football pool for the year and amazingly have picked all the playoff games correctly.
5.   I went to Hilton Head for the first time and had lunch with friends.
6.   I binge watched "The Crown" I really have to wait until 2019 for Season 3 ???
7.   I had an amazing grilled pork chop at Mary's and prepared by Brandon the Grill Master.
8.   I tasted banana/strawberry moonshine and it was awesome..
9.   Jenn found me cauliflower pizza crusts at Trader Joe's
10. We were able to buy a 16 oz container of Locatelli at Sams for $4 less than what we would have spent at Publix for the same size container.
11.  I joined two writers groups and found a couple of workshops coming up (one on Memoirs which is right up my alley!!).
12.  One of the writer's groups will even share my blog (and if I had a website they would share that too).
13. I am having a ring resized (a smaller size than I used to wear)...grand total $10.
14. The new button down nightshirts I ordered at Christmas in a smaller size.... fit !! (time to pitch the old nightshirts).
15. Getting back on track with Weight Watchers feels so good...I feel so much more in control !!

And that's not all the entries.....

I left out the clarity of the stars some nights, getting home safely in the rain and fog, I am lucky to have someone willing to let Jenn and I camp out at her house once (and last week twice) a week, I had a three day weekend,

Finally,  I have the glow of my ceramic Christmas Tree to look at each night as I fall asleep.....only 49 more weeks to go......

See you next week......

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