Sunday, January 28, 2018

How Could It Be Sunday Again.......

Quote of the week:
"Only I can change my Life. No one can do it for me" -- Carol Burnett

As I write this I am sitting in my pj's (or night shirt as the case would be).  It is 4:25 PM and I have been in my pj's since about 3:30. 

I got up today and ran errands.  Yes, I was dressed appropriately to go shopping.  When I got home I wanted to do the laundry.  I do re-wear my pj's for a few nights.  Which equals my laundry basket will be empty until tomorrow night.  I do obsess about things like that.....just add it to the list which includes: no dishes in the sink or the drain board (or the dish washer must be emptied if that applies), bed must be made, nothing left on the counter top in the bathroom, work laptop and lunch bag by the door ready for an early departure, lunch made for the next day as soon as I walk through the door at night....and on and on.

Monday mornings are the hardest knowing there are another 5 days ahead of me.  Friday nights are the best knowing there are two days off in front of me.  It seems I blink my eyes and it is Sunday afternoon again.

I am sure I am not the only person who feels their life is like a version of the movie "Groundhog Day"......the same week lived over and over again.

Meals have been planned for the week, the bills have been paid (part of my Sunday routine), the car is fueled up for the Monday commute and I have planned out my work clothes for the next 5 days.

A little does make the week run smoother.....

Monday through Friday is not is busy, hectic and constant.  The few minutes of relaxation before I go to sleep are the reward for surviving the day.  I love those moments as that is when I can let my mind wander without deadlines......except the deadline I set myself to fall asleep in order to get some rest for the next day. 

I guess it is clear there is not a great deal of flexibility in my makeup.....I wish it is just not part of my DNA...damn it !! I also know without the schedule I would live in a state of chaos.

I realized today, I had taken my wristwatch off on Thursday when I returned home from work and have not worn it all weekend.  The joy of not worrying about what time it is for three days.......well actually one day working from home and two days off.

As much as I love Friday night, I do not like Sunday afternoons because my brain has already started to focus on Monday.

It has been a long time ....a very long time since I didn't think of my life in terms of work weeks.  I know there will be time in the future where a calendar or a clock will not rule my life.....but until that happens I just have to make the most of the weekends.......

See you next week.......

PS I was able to get to my local Weight Watcher meeting Friday.  The topic was "Why am I here at WW?" When I was asked the question my response was .......I am in Chapter Three of my life and I don't want it to be a 2 page chapter.....I want Chapter Three to last a long, long time.......

I was also happy to be down at the scales.....back on track and moving on.......

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