Sunday, February 4, 2018

This Weekend (and other stuff)........

Quote of the week- "Musicians retire when they have no more music in them.  Well, I still have more music in me."- "The Intern"

I look toward the future with a great deal of excitement.  The chance to spend more time writing, reading and continuing to learn Italian through Rosetta Stone.  The idea of not having to squeeze in time to go to the gym or to attending a reading at a local bookstore. To be able to go to a neighbors house for dinner and not have to worry about being out on a school night. Who wouldn't want the time to do all of those things without other concerns coming into play.

Right now even a Saturday can be chock full of things to do just to catch up from the week.

And then I noticed the weather report for Sunday is rain.....a lot of rain.....most of the day. I decided to get as much done on Saturday as possible.  By getting all outside errands done Saturday meant Sunday, I could stay in the house and relax.

This week I realized that I was past due for an oil change.  I do not have time during the week to get something like that done.  Add it to the Saturday list.

Jenn and I both hit Mobil One for oil changes.  The gentleman who worked there said "you must drive a lot to be back here again for another oil change."  He should only know.....

A couple of other stops and I was headed back to the house.  Jenn was still out finishing up the places we needed to hit.  I decided when I got home to take a break....big mistake.  I sat in the recliner, pulled a blanket over me and enjoyed the view outside......for maybe 60 seconds.......I fell asleep in the next minute.  Next thing I knew, Jenn was coming through the door.

We decided to get the cooking done for the week.  I made some meatballs, mushrooms, eggplant and cut up veggies.  Jenn made couscous salad, egg cups for breakfast and a pound cake. The only thing I have left to do in the kitchen is some kind of Weight Watcher snack/dessert.  I am going to look on Pintrest for some ideas.

I am so looking forward to a day of taking a shower and maybe getting back in my PJ's or something comfortable and just hanging around the house.  Maybe have a fire in the fireplace.  Read. Relax. Recharge for the week ahead.

Everything above this was written last night,  So here I am early Sunday afternoon just got out of the shower.  I made a Weight Watcher Banana Bread this morning.  It is raining  and the kind of afternoon I love.

One of the things I have been able to accomplish lately is........

My new space continues to take on my personality.  The pictures I have hung are about the beach, SC and NY....what a surprise.....

One of my favorite pictures that is now hanging is from the cover of New Yorker is called "View from 9th Avenue" .....

I framed a NYC Subway much of my life was spent in the world reflected on this map.....subways and the ELs (translation = elevated trains from when the subway traveled above ground) ...I grew up near the 3rd Avenue is no longer there.....

The court house my Dad tried cases in for can see it often in the background of Blue Bloods and other shows......while I was serving as a Federal Grand Juror for 18 months ....yes, I said 18 months (two days a week)....I saw the artist painting this picture....we kids bought it for my Dad for Christmas......when Dad passed Mom gave it to me.....maybe because I was the nut who carried it home on the subway......

And then there is the first print I bought when I moved here....called "A South Carolina Welcome".....

and of course beach pictures.....

Lastly, a reminder of the 2 states I have called home......

My life and my loves all now no longer in a cardboard box.....looking at them makes me happy as I reflect on my past and gaze into the future......

See you next week......

PS Crickett....I haven't forgotten about you....your post is coming.....LOL

PPSS Thanks Mary for the mushrooms recipe.  I have always loved mushrooms but am now addicted to them.

PPPSSS  Growing up,  a major treat was when my parents would order Ham, Provolone, Pepper and Eggplant (room temp not hot) hero's......this week I made them like wraps using the eggplant as the wrap instead of bread (I did not deep fry the eggplant but baked it instead)....they were great and transported my back to 153rd St (between 3rd Ave and Melrose Ave) in the Bronx......when I was pregnant with Jenn that was one of my fact the owner of the deli where we would buy them said he would name the hero after my there may be a "Jennifer Special " on a menu in a deli/pizzeria somewhere in Yonkers.....

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