Sunday, February 18, 2018

Figuring Out What's Really Important.....

During the last week there were moments of laughter, self-reflection, hope, sadness and peace.

The laughter:

The laughter part is easy.  Several times a day there are things that make me laugh.  But then there are times when I laugh so hard I cry. This week, while doing the weekly overnight at Mary's was the laughter-filled cry fest.  And it's even better when it is due to pure silliness.

Mary was teaching Jenn and I how to play Phase 10.  A card game that reminds me of 500 Rummy.  Let's get the ugly part over first.......I got my butt kicked......badly.  Was I mad...nope....I laughed.  I couldn't get a good hand if my life depended on it. This wasn't the funny part though.....

Mary has a Echo Dot "Alexa".  As she demonstrated how Alexa works, she asked her to play songs from a certain group.  After a few minutes, on an impulse I asked Alexa to play some from another group.  And that when the chaos ensued.  Jenn, Mary and I started thinking of the most obscure  groups we could find. We ended up yelling at Alexa one over the other with names got so funny we could barely get out one groups name when another person yelled out another.  As Alexa found each group and started to play some of their songs .......she would have to switch gears.  I was totally expecting Alexa to say "Really???? Have you all lost your minds??" By the time we stopped my sides hurt from laughter and I was crying.  I love when life hands you those moments!!!!

The self-reflection:

I was trying to figure out yesterday if at times whether or not I am a shallow individual.  I was focused on my kitchen counters and my bathroom faucets.  Both of them are about 30 years old.  The counter tops are not even nice Formica.  They are not shiny.  They leave marks easily.  I cannot tell you how many times a day I have to wipe them down.  If I move the paper towel dispenser to clean where it stands,I then have to clean the spot where I moved it to while cleaning the original spot.  I scrub my bathroom faucets and they still look like they have water spots. My bathroom mirror has the slightest crack in the corner and the part of the reflection part of the mirror is wearing away near the edges. All replaceable when the time is right.   But in the scheme of things with all the things going on in the world.....and I am focused on spotty faucets and a counter that needs to be cleaned continuously.


There is a little boy in Alaska who is very sick.  LJ is a little over 2 years old.  The tumor that he has is inoperable.  His parents are brave.  Their friends are supportive. I found out about LJ through extended family.  I have seen pictures of LJ with his family grinning from ear to ear.  A little boy who has no idea what is going on within him.  I have seen pictures of the tumor that is stealing what should be a long life.

Although I am not at church every week, I still have very strong religious beliefs in God and the power of prayer.  Since learning about LJ and his family, my daily prayers while covering a myriad of topics and people have had expressed focus on a little boy I will never meet.  I do not understand why God has chosen this family or this little boy. In all honesty, I have asked why this child?  Is it because  there are lessons to be learned.....about faith, family, love, life and bravery?  Only God knows the reasons.

I ask that you each say some prayers for LJ and his family.....prayers that they continue to find the strength to face the days ahead....that they have the time to make memories....time for laughter.....time for love......time......


The events at the High School in Florida.....17 lives a place where children from K-12 should be safe.  A football coach, a geography teacher along with students left their homes and headed out for a normal day.  Maybe they said "goodbye" or "I love you" or "see you tonight" or maybe like so many of us they said nothing because they assumed they would return home that evening.  I am sure we are all guilty of the casualness of life and we make go to school you are get in a car and you reach your destination.......why would we expect anything less?

The world has changed so much since I was young.  I grew up in an age of walking people to their gates at an airport or waiting at the gate for someones arrival. I never used to go to a movie and looked for the exits when I walked in.  I wasn't afraid.  I felt safe.  I don't feel that way any longer.  I do what works for me to feel more secure in ways that others might not agree with or like (I will let you read between the lines).  As long as I don't push my beliefs on others, I would ask that others not push theirs on me.....not an unreasonable request in a world where I love and respect many whose views are different from mine.


Yesterday, I carved out an hour of time for me. I was at the Waterfront Park in Beaufort.  I sat with my coffee on one of the many porch swings along the water with beautiful views.  The weather was wonderful for jackets required.  I was able to people watch.....and puppy watch.  Jeter loved being walked along the path surrounding the park.  He even sat on the swing with Jenn and I....for a few moments anyway.

There was no thinking about work or what I needed to do when I got back home or what the week ahead was going to be like or events coming up in the next few months......those 60 minutes....priceless..... and I need to make sure to spend more time like that.....

And there you have it, a week filled with events that do make you think about what is really important.....

See you next week.......

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