Sunday, February 25, 2018

What I Miss And What I Have Learned

Before I get into the entry related  to the title of this blog, let me share an update about my little friend LJ.

There was some progress reaching out to a lot of medical facilities this week. Almost too many to count copies of his medical records were sent to a myriad of physicians hoping there is a clinical trial that he may be eligible for. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR MY NEW LITTLE FRIEND, HIS SISTER AND OF COURSE HID MOM AND DAD. LJ's family was very fortunate to have their dear friend, Meg,  (and she part of my extended family) travel from Florida to Alaska to assist them in tracking down whomoever would listen and offer assistance in getting LJ the medical help he needs. Let them continue to be surrounded by good friends and angels as they move through each day.  Let their prayers be answered by a medical facility saying "YES !! We want LJ here !!"

I also learned LJ"s parents are big USC Gamecock Jenn and I did a little shopping....our package arrived in Alaska on Thursday....we feel blessed to be able to send some of home to them.....

LJ and family:

LJ and Cocky:

Hug your children and grandchildren as often as you can !!

Now on to this week's entry....

There are things I took for granted that now are part of my past.  There is nothing I can do about most of them now.  But also with age comes some freedom, wisdom and a fearlessness....kind of....

The I misses:
- Mom and Dad
- family dinners
- back in the days when I would hold Jenn's hand to cross the street
- the excitement of a first date and first love
- getting out of bed in the morning without putting on eyeglaases
- eyelids that snapped back into place when I put eye makeup on
- knees and hips that didn't hurt
- dancing for hours
- a summer of without the responsibility of work
- recovery time from crazy nights out......all it used to take was a bagel and a YooHoo
- the possibility of snow on Christmas Eve
- not having spent time with all my siblings in the same place for 6 years
- when $29 covered my weekly expenses.......gas for the Ford Pinto, cigarettes (ok already ....I quit 30 years ago), nights out at the bars, and my clothes
- going to the half price ticket booth on paydays and getting tickets to a Broadway Show
- not having to go to the Dr. every 6 months to have a BP check, blood work and make sure all of my numbers are good

What I have learned:
- life is short so try to enjoy each day
- do not be afraid to ask questions
- do not be afraid to say yes or no - depending on what you want to do
-  receive hugs graciously
- give hugs freely
- find your passion and do something with it
- when you eat out - try foods you wouldn't normally make at home
- do not let anyone drag you down, make you feel bad or kill your confidence
- give over the keys to the other driver in the car when you are tired (right Jenn??)
- be grateful every single day that you wake up
- have at least 5 people you can depend Dad always said if you have 5 good friends you have lived a full life.....I am blessed to have more than 5
- the power of prayer....I pray each night (ok sometimes I fall asleep while I am praying...LOL)
- while sometimes you need hugs and also need that friend who can tell you the things you do not want to hear but need to be said
- age is not a curse.....its a gift....treasure it....enjoy it and be grateful for each birthday

Now just one more thing I wanted to share:
We made Weight Watcher bagels and garlic knots today (not WW).  4 ingredients: flour, fat free Greek yogurt, baking powder and salt is the basic recipe.  To the bagels we added Trader Joe's everything bagel topping and to the garlic knots after they were baked: butter, fresh garlic and locatelli cheese....OMG the bagels rock and the garlic knots should be illegal.

Weight Watcher Bagels:

Garlic knots:

That's all I have this week....some baking....some things I miss....some things I know now.....and continued prayers for a special young man......

See you next week.......

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