Sunday, April 22, 2018

All Of My Lists......

I am a list maker. Call it a genetic flaw.  I am the daughter of a list maker.  I have lists for to do....places to visit.....things to get me through the week.

Each day before I head home from work, I write a list of things to accomplish the next day.  And many days I end up..... just re-writing the list from the day before......often there are not enough hours or days to get the satisfaction of completing am entire list.

There are times when I will write something on the list I have already done.  It might be an errand I didn't plan to run.  I add it so I can have the satisfaction or sense of accomplishment by crossing it out.

I write lists for the meals for the upcoming week, lists to remind me what to pack for lunch.

My notes app on my phone has 24 lists.  They range from my meds to Christmas gift ideas for 2018.

One of my lists is labeled: Blog titles. I will have an idea pop into my head and instead of forgetting it in a nano second I add it to the list.

This week I had a couple of I didn't add to my list.  When I was getting ready to write this entry, I looked at my wasn't there.  I had neglected to add it.....ugh. I thought and thought and thought......for hours....I mentally retraced each day of the week and what could I have been thinking about that was blog was gone.......

I left my laptop on my table during the next few hours just in case the topic popped by in my head.

I stopped trying to force my memory and hoped it would come back to me.

I decided to take a nap and just as I started to came back to me.  I grabbed  my phone and jotted it down.

So here was what I wanted to write about today........not an award winning entry but something that made me laugh.

Once a week, I am lucky enough to spend a night at my friend, Mary's house.  Staying there saves 6-7 hours of travel time, a tank of gas and another 300 plus miles on my ever aging SUV.

I have made a few errors for my weekly visits.  Instead of packing shorts to sleep in, I have packed leggings or a pair of slacks.  Those nights I end up sleeping in the pants I wore to work.....not a great option but you do what you have to do. I won't share that after I realize my mistake.....I shower and put the slacks back on sans underwear (no way I am staying in them for 24 plus hours).

I now put my shorts and t shirt in my overnight bag as soon as I take them out of the dryer to avoid making that mistake again.  I pack my bag in the morning since many of the things I take I have to use before I leave the house.

This week as I went down my list, I got the the item Spanx. I opened my dresser drawer and grabbed the black Spanx.  Just a little background, I have purchased these over the last year or two.  I used to have to do laundry every other night since I only had two pairs.  Since they no longer make the style I like, I have had to search for them on eBay. Finally, I have 5 pair (no, I did not pay full price....I am not that crazy). I also had bought another pair in black but it was not the same style. I wear those less often since they are more of a challenge to get on......which is the point of wearing Spanx anyway.

I am sure you can see where this is going......

I pack my bag on Wednesday and off I go.  Thursday morning, I get ready for work.  I grab the black Spanx.  Yes, I packed the wrong ones.  These are the ones that are a tug of war to get on.  So there I am with no option.....the war begins. I get them up my legs and over my I have to get them over my stomach.  I start to pull them up....they roll down.....I do this over and over again with no success.  I lay down on the bed....suck in my gutt and after several attempts they are now on and doing their job.....holding things in place and making body parts look flatter and less saggy.

Then it hits me......what am I going to do when I hit the bathroom during the day?? I won't have a bed to lay down on.  I am sure the sounds someone would hear from my stall in the ladies room would make people wonder "what the hell is she doing in there?"

Options....what options do I have? My daughter has only one workable solution.  Not my first choice but really my only choice......

I take the Spanx I wore the day before (yes, the day before), I turn them inside out and spray the hell out of them with something from Bath and Bodyworks. Feeling slightly gross but out of options, I leave for work. The day seemed endless and as soon as I walked in the house, I changed within 30 seconds.

As I did the weeks I forgot my nighttime shorts, I have now put the correct Spanx in my overnight bag a full 6 days before I will actually need them!  My weekly hostess has suggested I just leave somethings at her house on a regular basis vs packing a bag every week.....probably a very good suggestion........

See you next week.......

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