Sunday, April 8, 2018

The World Does Not Stop Even If You Want It To.......

On the morning my grandfather died, my father headed to his mothers apartment to break the news. He got off the subway (actually the EL) at the Parkchester Station and walked from there to Benedict Avenue.

When he spoke of that morning, the one memory that stood out was the people rushing past him on their way to work.  Here he was during the rush hour, heading against the crowd of commuters and his world had changed in the previous few hours.

I feel like the last few weeks have been the same for me.  Since my last entry, I have wanted to stop the world and get off for a few moments here and there. But life does not really allow us these breaks so on we go.

On the plus side:
-another writers workshop is coming up in May
-my tax returns are done and submitted BEFORE the deadline
-at work, our Manager's Easter Bonnets were a big hit
-I went to a new dentist and liked his office
- my binge watching of Downton Abbey continues....LOL
-I arrived home one night this week at 7:30....what a treat!
-it is wonderful to drive a car with a windshield sans chips and cracks
-Nothing better than arriving at work to a hot cup of coffee (thanks Mary) and a gift (see the sign below) (thanks Crickett)

On the down side:
-I also had to meet with an Oral Surgeon....ugh
-Friday night it took 3 hours and 45 minutes to get home....double ugh
-I still can't say the "D" word easily and haven’t been able to change my status with HR at work
-the weather is still too cool by South Carolina standards in April

I look forward to:
- warmer weather....not hot!!
-being able to keep the porch windows open 24/7
-spending time at the beach
-taking off a day or two at least once a month
-trying out some new healthy recipes
-availing myself of more opportunities that are of interest to me

Starting this's all about training at work.....and maybe some aspirin and pepto-bismol.....LOL

I am working to regain balance in my life......adjusting to the new normal.  Some days it's easy and others not so much. I am sure as time moves on it will become natural and I won't give more than a passing thought to the events of the last few weeks. I am aware I am focusing on the changes in my marital status much more than others........ but then again it's my life.........

See you next week......

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