Tuesday, August 7, 2018

There Will Be Another Christmas

"You are never wrong to do the right thing." Mark Twain

I know it's just the beginning of August but allow me this entry.

My excitement about the holidays starts to kick in right around Labor Day.  Yes, Labor Day

To me the saddest day of the year is December 26th.

My favorite day of the year is Christmas Eve and Christmas Day itself runs a close second.

Then, I feel the letdown from all the hustle and bustle.

The songs disappear off the radio.

Except for the Hallmark Channel which runs Christmas movies through New Year's Day, all holiday TV events end.

All signs of the holiday fade at the stroke of midnight Christmas Night.

My friend, Dan, would say to me "there will always be another Christmas."

And he was right.

What he didn't say was the thing I now think about a lot.

The problem is the assumptions we all make.

We assume we will all be here for that next Christmas.

People leave for work each day and the assumption is they will return home that night.

We leave on a vacation and assume we will return home in a few weeks.

You know what they say about assumptions.

 It is true.

And that is why we all (yes, me included) need to not take one day for granted.

Let go of the anger.

Let go of the silence.

Do not put yourself in a position to have regret or remorse.

Say "I am sorry".


Say "I love you" often.

Show gratitude.

Give hugs.

Take the high road (which can be hard to do).

Even if you were not wrong or do not think you were wrong do whatever it takes to make things right.

Mend fences, renew relationships.

Never assume that all of us will be here for the next holiday season, family gathering or birthday.

We just cannot be sure all the people we love will be there.

Do not waste one more second, minute, hour or day angry or in silence.

My Dad used to say "don't fight on a holiday because you can't get the day back."

He was right.

The rest of the year will fly and once again it will be Christmas.

Yes, there will be another Christmas but not the same as the ones we have had before.

See you next week.

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