Sunday, July 29, 2018

Looking to the week ahead

Here I sit, Sunday afternoon.

Dreading Sundays because Monday is not far away.

Not really much to write about.

Met with my editor yesterday. 

Good meeting. 

New thoughts, suggestions and additions to what I have already done with my homework assignments.

Working from home on Monday.

Tuesday through Thursday staying in Columbia. 

Appointment to get my hair done Tuesday after work. Wayne can work his magic with color and cut!

Wednesday night cut throat Phase 10 game maybe?
Friday, last day at work until 8/13.

After work Friday, eye brows and face waxing.


9 glorious days of no commuting or work.

Writer's seminar in Hilton Head Saturday.

After that here are my plans,

Sleep late.

Watch TV late.



Write, write, write.  That's for you Cindy.

I hope this week goes slow because once my vacation starts the time will fly.

I so need the time off.

I so need the break.

I so need to not have to rise at 5:00AM. 

I so need to just have time to sit on the porch and just think. 

I so need to not have to worry about work emails.

I so need to not have to run in the house, make lunch, take a shower, eat dinner and go to bed and get at least 6 hours sleep.

I so need.

This will be my first break of the year with a weekend on either side of Monday and Friday,

This will be my first break not around the holidays where I spend my days running around.

This will be my first break for more than a few days, since all that has happened in the last few months.

I shouldn't be sitting here worrying about how fast the next two weeks will go.

I shouldn't be sitting here worrying about how short lifer is.

I shouldn't be sitting here wishing my life away from vacation to vacation.

Maybe the break will help be find my joy and happiness again.

Maybe the break will help me to focus on what is important in life.

Maybe the break will help me start to move ahead.

Maybe the break will help.

See you next week!

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