Sunday, July 15, 2018

Trying To Take Control of My Life Again

When I look back on the past year my head spins.

Have you ever seen one of those lists that shows the life events that add stress to your life?

I have had several events that made the list in the last 12 months:

Selling a house



Reorganization and new computer systems at work

Long commute to work (really long)

Loss of someone close to me

All these changes have caused me to lose focus on the things I was trying to do to help me.

Relocating took me away from my Sunday Weight Watchers group.  The meeting closest to me is on Friday's at 9:45.  I have only been there a few times when I was home on a Friday. I am hoping once the commuting stops, I can catch those meetings on a regular basis.

I also miss going to the gym.  I have a gym, indoor and outdoor pool nearby now.  I need the time to use them.  I was in the pool yesterday for over an hour and it felt great.  Legs and arms moving without pain and burning calories.

This is the best time of year for fresh fruits and veggies. I need to get on to healthy cooking ALL the time vs sporadically.

These items back on my radar and will start to become a part of my life like they once were.

This isn't about any one event from the list above it is about all of them.  They have been emotional, exhausting and caused my physical pain.

I now need to slowly climb out from under the pile of challenges/changes.

For example, my job/career is important but instead of the words work/life balance, I now say life/work balance.

Is anything I don't get to going to matter in 10 years? Probably not.

Is the stress I am creating for myself hurting me? Possibly.

By taking back control of my life am I helping me? YES.

Some of the items on the life event list have been checked off and completed.  Nothing else to be done.  The sale of the house, the move and the unpacking (for the most part) are behind me.

The job challenges will settle down (eventually).

The commuting will end (I pray about it daily),

While the formalities of the divorce are over, I have to be honest and say there are still some emotional parts to be dealt with.

And the recent loss in my life, it will take much more time and thought to come to terms and acceptance.

But as I keep saying, baby steps is all I can do right now and that is better than standing still.

See you next week.

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