Sunday, July 22, 2018

Just Call Me Procrastinator Maybe??

I can plan and plan and plan. Once I have the plans set then nothing.

I will think in January of something I think someone would like for Christmas.  When do I actually make the purchase?  After Thanksgiving.

I have talked about going to Italy for years.  How far have those plans gotten?  A couple of books about Italy.

I think about food shopping for the week on Thursday. Here I sit Sunday morning.  Have I made it to  Publix? Nope.

Saturday, I had planned to accomplish a few things.  What did I accomplish?  Nothing.  I was so worn out from the week.  I talked on the phone, napped and watched Hallmark Christmas movies.

Yet when it comes to deadlines at work I am on it.

Deadlines for reports or responses to specific deadlines are entered onto my Outlook calendar immediately.  Many are handled right away to avoid emails reminding me a deadline is near.

Quarterly compliance classes are completed in short order.  I also block out time for my team to complete their classes long before the deadline so I can delete the reminders from my calendar.

Am I a living breathing Oxymoron?

Definition of the word Oxymoron: two words or a compound word with contradictory definitions.

Procrastinator vs. Proactive?

Life can also lead us to delay, put off or procrastinate from tasks we need to complete.

Perfect example is why I am sitting at my laptop since early this morning?  I was given an assignment by my Editor two weeks ago.

I have thought about it.

I have written bullet points.

I have thought about it.

I wrote a few paragraphs.

I have thought about it.

I let other things fills my time.  Hallmark Christmas movies?

I will allow myself the fact that I am too tired to write when I get home each night.  What about the weekends?  True, I am exhausted.  But if I want my dream to turn into reality I have to push through the weariness.

And now when I should be working on my book, I am writing my blog.  I have also already paid my bills, cleaned out old coupons, sorted papers that need to go in the shredder, had three phone conversations and have started thinking about what I need to get from the supermarket. Also on my list for today is a trip to the landfill, get gas in my car and get ready for the next work week. I didn't mention the time I spent looking for my "dragon speak" to talk and have my words show up in written form on Microsoft Word

Talk about procrastinating.

Well, at least I can cross my weekly blog entry off my list for the day.

And now Jenn has offered to go get the groceries, gas and make the trip to the landfill so I can write.

Alright, I will just finish the cup of coffee Jenn made me.  Maybe I will take a quick shower?

Then no more delays, it is time to work on my writing assignments.  I need to get it done today so I can ship it off to Cindy by tomorrow or Tuesday or Wednesday.

Ready, set, go.

Well, maybe I just need to make another cup of coffee and then I can get started.

See you next week.

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