Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Joys and Sadness of Life

I haven't written an entry since June 10th....

The joy.....

From June 13th through the 17th, we spent 5 days at the Isle of Palms sharing a house with our Colorado cousins.

The days were long and fun filled.

I was up early to have coffee with the early risers and tried to hang in with the night owls.

I would fall asleep in an wonderful leather recliner.  One problem though....with my knee and hip aches it was not easy to get out of.....just a little too low.  I had to wait for an early riser to come by grab my hand and get me out of that comfy spot.  I would pray someone would rise soon so I could get to the  I am sure I could have figured out some way to get up but it was easier to grab a hand to stand up.

The days were spent in Charleston and at the beach.  I passed on both.  I have been to Charleston in the heat of a June day and I wilt in the heat.  I also passed on the beach in order to spend time working on the first real draft of my book.  The house was peaceful for a few hours and provided the quiet and solitude I needed to get myself started.

The meals each night were amazing and reflected a different part of our family background and experiences.

After dinner, it was out to the screened in porch for games and conversations where people would talk over each other was loud but somehow we were able to jump from one conversation to the next.

There is something about spending days with family.  It provides time to have extended conversations on a variety of topics and not feel rushed. We went from laughter to tears and any range of emotion in between.....

As with all vacations, it came to an end too quickly.  I know we will see each other again in a few years and I am looking forward to it.

Thank you Cousins for coming to the East Coast!! Next time you head this way...we will make sure it is not in the summer.  Flip flops in December through does that sound??

The Sadness......

I am not yet able to put into words all that has gone on in the last 10 days.  It may take a long time before I can put all that transpired into perspective.

For now, all I can say is we lost someone incredibly special in  our lives.  Someone who mentored, prodded us for our own good and was an example of the kind of person we all should strive to be.

The suddenness of his passing has been shocking, painful and terribly sad.

The gathering of family and friends was filled with laughter and tears....stories were shared all with the same thread throughout them......memories from the various stages of his life.... from Little League to his time volunteering with the Sea Rescue Team from Fripp Island.

A life well lived was celebrated. We all feel the loss of a husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, uncle, cousin and friend.

Until the time when the words come easier, all I can say is I was so lucky to have this person as a part of my life for all of these years.

One day, I will have the ability to write about all of this in more detail but for now the words of a person who I didn't agree with politically seem to fit my thoughts......

"We will laugh again but be young no more" Daniel Patrick Moynihan

And the words I said at my Mom's memorial service......

I stood watching as the little ship sailed out to sea.
The setting sun tinted in its white sails with the golden light as it disappeared from view.
A voice at my side whispered "He is gone"
But the sea was a narrow one and on a further shore a little band of friends had gathered to watch in happy expectation.
Suddenly, they caught sight of the tiny sail and at the very moment when my companions had whispered "He is gone".....a glad shout went up in joyous welcome with the words...."Yeah!! Here he comes!!!!!"

Jenn and I join with all of his family and friends and will miss him every day.

Goodbye Dan and thank you for everything.......until we meet again.

See you next week....

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