Sunday, February 17, 2019

Hallmark Extra Application and Other Bucket List Items

"Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it." Annette White

Back to my bucket list.  Reminder, I think a bucket list is a things to do in order to feel alive not things to accomplish before I die.

Last week, I put in an application to appear as an extra in a Hallmark Christmas movie. 

What do I have to lose?  I even included my picture.  Special talents? None. I could be a great person sitting in a luncheonette having coffee with a friend.

If Hallmark ever reaching out and said "you are in", I might have a stroke.

I would like to be able to contribute a line to an important speech by maybe one of our State Senators.(no negative feedback or political opinions from anyone reading this please).

I love the sound of the sleigh bells in the Christmas Song "Sleigh Ride".  How about the opportunity to actually ring the bells during a concert with a philharmonic orchestra?

How about having the chance to speak or be on the dais of a book convention.

Eventually, a book reading and signing.

Maybe, I can have an entry included in a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book?

More family reunions on both sides of my family and even just with my siblings, their children and grandchildren.

Rent a beach house for a week.  I don't mean a fabulous new house.  I would like to have one of those old houses with a screened in porch like in the movie "Last Song".

I want to have reliable enough transportation to go see some lighthouses.  No, not necessarily climb them but see them.

I would like to go on a cruise just not sure where to.

My ultimate dream is a week in Tuscany. There is a writers group who for one week immerses themselves in the village, writes in the morning and ends the day with wine and sharing what was written.  BUT have you seen the hills in Tuscany?  Most likely something I will never do but it doesn't mean I can't dream about it.

I am usually very, very practical where finances are concerned. Very cautious with my money since I have a history of getting myself in financial jams.  I still put back the chicken breast at Publix and opt for a PB&J sandwich to save a few bucks. 

I am not saying I deny myself the basics and some extra's but I do pray over more items that most take for granted.  Wait until it is time to start shopping for my next vehicle !!!

You will notice that many of my bucket list items do not have a big price tags attached to them.

Well, except Tuscany and a reliable vehicle and a cruise. LOL !!

I am living a life that I never could have expected when I was young. The location I call home was never on my bucket list (then again no one really has a bucket list when they are young because everything is possible). Going from growing up in The Bronx to ending up Beaufort, South Carolina was not on my radar.

Most of my wants have been pretty down to earth which should surprise no one who knows me well.

Although, every once in a while I allow myself to dream. 

And in dreams all things are possible.

See you next week.

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