Sunday, February 10, 2019

The I Told You So's Can Start Any Time Now

When we  left off last week, I was preparing to go visit the Florida Sales Team.

Was I stressed? YES.

This is how the week played out.

Monday, worked from home in the morning. On the road by 10:40. Arrived in Orlando at 4:10.  No issues on the trip, no stops either.  This was a novelty since my current vehicle would have run out of gas before I arrived.  I used the valet parking, they loaded up the luggage cart for me and pushed it into the lobby.  I checked in and was handed a bag with a warm cookie and a bottle of water. I found my way across the lobby and upstairs to my room.  As requested, it was not too far from the elevator and had a walk in shower. I settled in and actually started to fall asleep using the wonderful pillow I was given as a Christmas gift (one of those big U shaped pillows). Once my other team members arrived we headed out to dinner.  A "tapas" restaurant which was new for me.  I loved it and had a great time. (I know - I told you so #1).

Tuesday, up early for breakfast.  Headed to the office, met some of the loan officers and spent the day doing my normal work and interacting with sales partners. After work, out for another amazing dinner.  Both nights we ate at tables on the sidewalk in front of the restaurants.It was a late night but filled with great conversation. (I told you so #2)

I also decided to try things I wouldn't normally eat.  I am used to eating the same things over and over.  I decided this was the time to live on  the edge a little.

Wednesday, breakfast and head to the office for a regional meeting.  I had prepared several pages of notes for reference. My comments were well received, the questions that followed were good and the shared feedback benefited all. (I told you so #3)

Once the meeting concluded, it was time to drive to Deerfield Beach (near Miami).  The ride took over three hours plus I got lost because I didn't listen to google maps.  I was a little stressed.  Then I stopped for gas. I had no idea how to open the gas tank (remember my own vehicles are 12 and 17 years old respectively). I looked for a button or a handle to pull to open the cover. No luck with that attempt. Then I looked for the owners manual in the glove compartment.  No luck there either. Finally, I called my daughter and asked her to google 2019 Chevy Cruz and see how to open the gas tank.  I am not going to lie at this point I was in tears. To make matters worse, Jenn looked it up and all I had to do was press on the little door and voila it opened. Jenn stayed on the phone with me while I gassed up and got back on the highway.  We chatted for a little while and once my nerves settled down we hung up.  I hit I-95 in the rush hour. Ugh! All those New Yorker's who have moved south were driving like lunatics.  It felt like a checkered flag was waived at every entrance ramp and people flew on with no regard for who was in their lane.  People changed lanes in nano seconds.  I have driven in NY and was never intimidated, this was a challenge. It was dark when I arrived around 7:15.  Once again valet parking and up to my room.  My travel buddies were waiting for me in the lobby. My room was a bit of a trek from the elevator but I managed to handle it.  I was so exhausted, I passed on dinner out and opted for room service.  I had been lazy and left my pillow in the car. Big mistake!! I did not sleep well without it.

It wasn't until the next morning that I could appreciate the view from my room.

Then it was off to the office for another regional meeting.  It was a full day and once again very productive. After work, my buddies headed out for dinner.  I headed to my room.  They did text me the menu and brought me back dinner.  I slept on and off not very well.  At 3:45AM, I thought "why am I hanging out here"?  By 4:40AM, I had checked out and was in my car heading home. 

Once on the highway, I felt pretty alert for a while. Gradually I could feel my eyes struggling to focus and caught myself drifting. ( I once saw a piece on a new shows stating driving tired can be as bad as driving drunk).  I finally gave in an pulled into a rest stop that had a sign the there was nighttime security.  I drifted off to sleep for 20-30 minutes.  Once I woke up I felt refreshed and hit the road again.  Once the sun was up, I knew I would be OK.  I put on one of the books I have on my phone and counted down the miles to home.  I cheered when I hit the FL/GA border and let out a "WOO HOO" when I crossed from Georgia into South Carolina.

I pulled into my driveway around 1:00PM. I backed into the driveway intending to unpack my car later.  I only carried in my pocketbook and the bag with my bottles of water.

Within two minutes of being in the house, I had hit the bathroom and was in my recliner.  Before I knew it,  I woke up and it was dark and I hadn't left a light on in the house. 

I have to say the people who traveled with me, Jenn and Craig did everything to make my trip enjoyable and stress-free.  They grabbed my laptop bag and pocketbook where ever we went.  They waited while I caught up to them when walking somewhere.  They got the tables closer to the entrances and exits for us.  I also rode in the front seat where ever we went.  I loved their vehicle was easy to get in and out of too. (I told you so #4)

I did a lot more walking than I usually do and my knees sure let me know they were not happy.

BUT I DID IT !!!! (I told you so #5)

As far as the trip itself, I can't wait to do it again next year!! I had a wonderful time.  Meeting our sales partners was such a positive experience.  (I told you so #6)

I started each meeting explaining I was from New York (and The Bronx), I am direct and don't like to chat.  I told them my focus is getting their loans closed.  They did laugh when I said I would never be named manager of the year or Miss Congeniality but that was OK since my job is not a popularity contest.

They did not know hugging is not my specialty.  I got way too many hugs.

So let the I told you so's roll from those of you who last week said I would have a memorable trip and I would be able to keep up which I did except for the two nights I passed on dinner. (I told you so #7)

I said one of my goals this year was to say YES more and NO less. 

Well, this was a week of a lot of YES's and I feel so accomplished and proud and once again my fears were unfounded.  (I told you so #8)

Could what I feel be called confidence?? I think it is. (I told you so #9)

See you next week.

PS Even Jeter was happy his Mom was home.

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