Saturday, January 4, 2020

After a break....I AM BACK !!!!

Happy 2020 !!

Since I missed two months of entries this one is long so hang in there with me.

Take a combination of a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder area, the holidays and insanity at work and what do you get?

No blog entries for TWO MONTHS !!!

The pain from the pinched nerve made it very hard to type.

Year end push at work.

The holidays.

Need I say more?

Well, it's time to get back to it.

Let's look back for just a minute at 2019.

No big vacations but I did get to spent 4 wonderful days with my siblings.  ALL of them.  It has been over 7 years since George, Donna, Cheryl and Greg were all in the same place at the same time.  I could not put a price tag on those couple of days. Sharing memories, opinions and a lot of laughs made me realize how much I miss each one of them. I can never let that kind of time pass again without seeing them all together. The realization we all really only lived under the same roof for six years was something that stuck with me (my younger brother was just six when my older brother joined the Marines). I think we all were aware the years go fast and we are not getting any younger so these visits are even more important now.

I traded in my 1989 stove, microwave and dishwasher for 2019 models. Did you know microwaves have turntables?  Did you know dishwashers can operate in silence? And the stove, oh the stove, I have two ovens that cook at different temperatures and one is also a convection over.  I hate to say this but Jenn had to sit me down and explain all the bells and whistles just so I could stop eating cold cans of soup.

And finally, it was farewell to the 2002 and 2007 Ford Escapes.  Our loyal forms of transportation that took us on our 300 mile commute each day.  These vehicles carried so many things especially during the move from Columbia to Beaufort. We traveled to Florida, New York and Missouri (twice).  We covered many of the states on the East Coast and of course the southern states on our way to our family reunions.  They took us to Mom's Memorial Service, graduations, weddings  and funerals.  Those vehicles had good lives and many adventures, Each day started with a prayer to get back and forth from work safely.

We had planned on me getting a new car.  But in one of the most impulsive moments in Donna and Jenn history, we walked out of the showroom with two new cars in what I feel were amazing deals and great negotiating.  Our 2019 Honda CRV's are wonderful.  No more worries about breaking down. More bells and whistles than I can comprehend.  It was an adjustment taking on a car payment but so worth it in the long run.

In 2019, I was finally had six interviews published in a local magazine.  It felt good to see my byline and picture in each issue. And I met some really amazing individuals along the way.

Lastly.  Jenn paid off her student loans!! Ten years.  120 payments. Undergraduate BA and Masters Degree PAID IN FULL!!

No resolutions for 2020.  New terms I am using: goals, journey and accomplishments.  These have a more positive twist.

Here are some of my goals, things I will attempt to accomplish and what I am making part of my 2020 journey.

First, give more to others. 

This morning I wrote two checks.  One for a young man who works here on island to help with his car repair bills or to buy a more reliable form of transportation. The other was for a lady who also works on the island whose son was killed last week.  The check was to help with all the unexpected expenses.  The place I live in is incredibly generous in helping others.  This is the first time I have written checks such as these.  They were not huge amounts but I put myself in those peoples shoes and thought how grateful I would be for any assistance. This is what I mean by wanting to give more to others, pay it forward and realize that I might not make the biggest donation but I am doing my part.

Second, keep my LIFE/work balance in check. 

While 95% of the time, I like my job and am good at it, I need to practice what I preach to my team, my life is the priority.  My life outside of work must be more important than anything else.  I have less tomorrows then yesterdays so I need to make them count. I plan to spend time laughing more, writing more, giving more time to friends/family because as the days fly by faster and faster those things matter more than anything else.

Next, I am going to try am complete a reading challenge (OK having all those hours in the car will help me meet my goal). If I can (but will not feel guilty if I don't), I will be reading 26 books this year.  Honestly, if I read 13 I will feel a sense of accomplishment.

Jenn gave me a book for how to exercise at my desk and some weights to use.  While my hip might ache, I now can work out in my chair either at home or in the office.  WIN !!

Lastly, the usual things: healthy eating which will hopefully lead to losing some pounds.  Maybe another result will be less pain in the knees and hips.  While I will  never get over my fear of falling, I must not let it control my life.  I have to continue to go out even as my knees shake and my heart races.  My world cannot get smaller ever.

Oh and I still want to be an extra in a Hallmark move (yes, Cindy I still have my rough draft of my original article which I will get to you sometime in the near future :-) ).

And I want to find one of those Hallmark towns to go to on a vacation.  Who wants to join me ? OK I know some of you out there want to go.  Don't be afraid to admit it.


#1. I have learned this year that people are kind and care about me.  I am no longer afraid to ask for help such as an arm to get up a high curb or walk a long distance (yes, all about the fear of falling).  While I wheel around the office to see my team or push a chair with my laptop bag, lunch bag and pocketbook to my office, I finally have an "it is what it is attitude" and don't let my "what are others thinking" thoughts stop me.

#2. I have broken a bad habit.  Years ago, I made choice to sleep in my recliner for a variety of reasons (marriage ending and hip hurting). Five years later, I was still sleeping in the recliner.  The good side of the pinched nerve is it forced me back into my bed.  OMG how wonderful it feels!  I get 5-6 hour stretches of sleep.  I do have to sleep on my back as my hips start to hurt leaning on them but who cares ?? I AM BACK SLEEPING IN MY BED !!! I also love that I can watch TV on my IPAD in bed while falling asleep.

#3. I am not letting Christmas go away completely.  I am leaving my three foot tree up and decorated for the holidays again this year on my porch.  This week,  I am adding a beachy tree to my porch that will stay up all year.  It is sand in color with shells, starfish along with blue and champagne ornaments topped with a star.  Each room will have some reminder of the holidays past and those yet to come.  Mom's Christmas angels grace the mantel of my fireplace, the ceramic tree that I use as a nightlight in my bedroom and on a shelf in my kitchen two small ceramic trees with a red tuck with a tree in the back will stay out all year.

Oh just one more thing, I promise.   I have been writing this blog for TEN YEARS now.  I look back at some of the old entries and see how my life has changed taking twists and turns I couldn't have envisioned.  Divorce. Moving from Columbia to Beaufort (how I love the Lowcountry). Losing some people I really cared about during that time, Mom and Dan in particular. 

As I cross the bridge each night out of Beaufort on the road that leads me home I feel so damn lucky to have ended up where I am.

I am not even going to guess where the next ten years will lead me. I am looking forward to the journey and the adventure.  I hope you will come along with me.

See you next week.  Promise.

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