Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Annual Budget and Saving Money

Last week it was about helping with car repairs and helping with expenses for a funeral.

This week was about koala's..  A small donation to a friends fundraiser to help out with all the wildlife hurt by the fires in Australia.

I am not sure what next week might be about in my quest for small gestures.

I passed up contributing to the Girl Scouts via their cookie sale.  I can't say that I will be great at sales resistance when they are out in front of Walmart or Publix.

Jenn and I were able to snag really pretty beachy lanterns from Kohls. By waiting for the sales,  piling up the coupons, discounts and Kohl's bucks, we got the lanterns for $5 including free shipping.  Original cost $60.  I LOVE IT !!!! (Oh and it lights up too.)

I finally broke down and used my TD WOW points.  These point accumulate as you get thank you's and WOW's from coworkers.  I ordered a Belk gift card to get some makeup and some wireless ear buds. Didn't cost me a cent!!

This is my new game, see what I can save or buy saving the most money.

When I worked up my annual budget, it was a little unnerving.  I can make the books balance but what I have left over once the bills are paid to cover the vet, gas and groceries is not a huge sum.  I am NOT pleading poverty by any stretch of the imagination.  I just need to be prudent in my decisions.  Think about my purchases and make wise decisions and do some research to make sure I am getting the biggest bang for my buck.

I am now eating what I have in the house which means plenty of food. Instead of replacing what I use for meals right away, I am creating meals out of my pantry.

Since I have a mandatory dining expenditure each year, I divided it by 12 and am using it for meals on the weekends,  it makes it easier than stressing at the end of the year because I still have a big balance left to use or lose.  I have to lay out the money anyway so it makes sense to adjust my shopping budget to get the meals already prepped.

I am not and I repeat buying another book until I make a dent in the ones I already have.  My bookshelf is loaded with books. 

Instead of going to the  movies, I can surely wait to rent a movie I really  want to see.  I just rented "Downton Abbey" over the holidays for $5 instead of going to see it in the movies where I am sure between ticket and popcorn would have cost $15.

I now have a very cool little cooler/fridge on my desk.  It cost $20 and keep my water cold all day.I have a mini crock pot too in which I can heat up soup. This will save $$ on lunches and the boredom of always packing a sandwich.

It's also time to get the Birkenstocks resoled which is cheaper than buying new pairs.

I also went to pick up my inhalers today.  Last year, I couldn't quite squeeze together enough $ for a 3 months supply which would have been about $750.  I ended up buying them monthly for $250 but since I didn't buy them in 90 day supplies it didn't count against my deductible (I really need someone to explain that to me). I had heard that my company was looking to add more medications to their list to cost less. Since this is an inhaler I must use twice a day (two puffs in the morning and two at night) as it is a preventative med and not my emergency inhaler. I had enough money for the three month supply saved up.  I was shocked when I was told the three months would only cost $187.  It is still not cheap but I drove away feeling like I had saved almost $500.

These small steps are making me happy.  They also make me feel in control of my finances.

In 2020, there will be no big vacations.  I may do some small projects around the house but I will plan and make sure to not go overboard and break the bank.

Enjoying small donations, enjoying saving money and being grateful for what I have thats what 2020 is all about.

Hopefully, no more looking like this maybe? With some discipline and saying NO.

See you next week.

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