Sunday, April 19, 2020

Trying to Finding More of the Good In All of This "Stuff"

It is easy to find the negatives about our current situation.

People out of work.

Small businesses closed.

Wearing masks to shop.

Strong suggestions to stay at home.

I have been looking for positives:

My team is doing an amazing job while working from home.

Being able to make meals vs buy meals is a healthy option.

I am saving money on gas.

I am saving miles of wear and tear on my car.

I am saving hours on commutes.

Jeter is loving being with Jenn and I 24/7.

Here is some of the new normal:

I called my Dr.'s office about refills on some prescription.  I have an appointment coming up for a routine visit.

Guess what I am now able to do?  A  virtual dr visit.

They are sending me a form to get my blood work done.  The results will be shipped to my primary care physician.

His office will then set up a virtual appt.  No sitting in the waiting room,, No sitting in the exam room.

I am sure there will be other things changing in our lives based on the last few weeks.

I am also trying to find things to make me smile.

In the last week, I have:

Watched the Disney Singalong (and yes, I sang along).

Watched the NY Giants ruin the NE Pat's perfect season.

Watched Michael Phelps win several races from the Rio Olympics a few years ago.

I have been able to find joy in the sunrises and sunsets.

I have laughed on my daily calls with my team.

Each night, I sign into the 7:00 Clapppy Hour group on FB and listen to people from all of NYC cheering, clapping, banging pots and pans.They are paying tribute to the first responders.  This week for the first time at 7:02, everyone sang New York New York on their balconies, stoops, roofs and out their windows. There were over 9,000 people watching the event.  Two radio stations carried it too.  They may pick a different song to sign each week until this crisis has passed. There were people logging in from a variety of states and countries.

While. I am still concerned about the possibility of getting the virus specially since Jenn and  I have asthma, I am not letting my guard down.  I will continue to practice social distancing, wearing a mask and not rush to get back to the casualness of life.

I still grow frustrated with people not wearing masks and participating in groups of 10 or more. I understand everyone's desire to get out of their houses and back to life.

But I can't help but feel we still need to exercise extreme caution.

Practice patience .

This too shall pass.

See you next week.

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