Sunday, April 12, 2020

An Easter none of us will ever forgot

Quotes of the week:

"These are the times that try men's souls." Thomas Payne


Timothy Cardinal Dolan spoke of the empty tomb found on Easter morning and the joy that followed.  He equated that with the empty churches today, the sadness we are suffering right now due to illness, loss of loved ones, loneliness and fear.'  He said." St. Paul tells us in the Bible, "the church would be the living stones and that is our people."

I usually do not reference religion on my blog or FB posts.  To me religion is extremely personal.  In a rare moment, I will share some of my thoughts.

I do believe in God.
I do believe Jesus died for our sins.
I am a good Christian even if I am not sitting in a pew each Sunday.
I am far from perfect but still believe God loves me.
I do believe prayer is important.
I do believe in the power of prayer.

I do believe God and his son, Jesus, will get us through these trying days ahead.

And that is all I will say about my beliefs.

What I can write about is the way people have pulled together.

It makes me proud.

Police and firemen applauding hospital workers on the front line.

All of us recognizing the unsung hero's that are invisible to us each day that really keep our country running.

The grocery workers, truck drivers, sanitation dept. the post office workers and on and on.

They are showing up doing their jobs because that is what they are expected to do.  I am glad they are finally getting the recognition they so richly deserve as some of the unsung hero's of our lives.

I am also impressed with the creativity of people.  Whether it be hunting for bunnies posted in peoples windows, learning how to use Zoom to keep in touch with families or teachers driving through their students neighborhoods honking their horns with signs that say "We Miss You".

There are neighborhoods where at 7:00 each night, neighbors come out of their homes and while observing social distancing applaud those on the front lines.

I love this side of people and America.

It give me chills.

There will be a time in the (hopefully) not too distant future where life will get back to normal albeit a new normal.

We will come out of our houses, return to work, shop without masks covering our faces and not fear sitting next to a friend or neighbor.

I hope we don't let the memory fade too quickly though.

I want us to not take things for granted as we have before.

We should appreciate the small things such as walking into a grocery store and being able to find whatever we need,  leaving our house to spend time with friends, going OUT to dinner,  or just going out.

Next year, we will gather together with our loved ones.

There will be Easter services.

There will be egg hunts.

There will be.....

Happy Easter !

See you next week.

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