Sunday, April 26, 2020

Random thoughts of being essential or in my case just lucky.

As we all live through one of the most challenging times in our lifetime, I will admit I am worried, nervous, afraid and concerned.

Will I get the virus?

Am I taking enough precautions?

Will my asthma cause enough of a weakness in my system to make me a target?

As I try to push those concerns aside, I try to move through my new normal life.

It is definitely similar to watching the movie "Groundhog Day" over and over and over again.

I know I am one of the lucky ones.

I get to work my job from home.

I collect my full paycheck every two weeks.

My life has not changed as drastically as so many people, other than not wearing makeup, dressing in casual attire and a commute that takes me just a short distance from my bedroom.

I feel very lucky.

As I watch reports daily (and probably too often), I see the impact this virus has had on the world outside of me.

I do pray more often for others,

I do feel the need to thank the first responder's who walk into the line of fire each day.

I have also learned to give greater respect to some of the unsung hero's that continue to do their very "essential" jobs.  It is funny how in these unique times who has become essential. 

My brother, who has worked the night crew at ShopRite for 35 plus years is essential.

The truck drivers that make me crazy on I95 are essential.

There are more essentials but the list would go on for paragraphs.

It has been eye opening and humbling.

I hope we all do not let our appreciation fade once this crisis has passed.

I have been asked how I was doing.  At my managers meeting, my boss makes a point of asking how each person is doing.  I do the same thing with my team.

My response in my managers meetings has been "looking out my windows at rainbows and unicorns."

I was asked if I was being sarcastic?  In all honesty, I was being facetious.

While I am not what the world would perceive as essential, I am essential to my team, my coworkers and the customers we are trying to help achieve their dreams.

Pretty awesome responsibility.

I cannot lie though, at the end of the day I am mentally exhausted.

The work day is longer because I think to myself, I am home so I can do one more thing or answer one more email.

My day consists of team meetings, emails, IM's  and a zillion conference calls a day.

Once I sign off my computer, the last thing I want to do is talk to anyone.

At the end of the day, I just want to unwind and recharge my mental batteries for the next day.

I still know I am so fortunate.  I have a job, I have food in my kitchen and I can pay my bills. 

I know we all want to get back to life as safety allows.  The term "social distancing" will never fade from our vocabulary.

This event may take longer to recovery from mentally and financially than others we have experienced but we will recovery albeit slowly.

I know the world is not made up of unicorns and rainbow but I felt a need to leave you this week with the link below.

I love the words and it made me smile.

Even being able to smile through it all gives me the hope that is called tomorrow.

See you next week.

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