Sunday, May 10, 2020

The day could go either way

Mother’s Day

Memories of my Mom make the day a challenge.

She made me corsages for my birthdays because my parents really couldn’t afford a corsage from a florist.

She made more costumes for school plays, Halloween and even  elves costumes one year.  All hand sewn.

I don’t think she missed a school play or concert for any of her children.

She helped out as a lunch Mom when I was in first and second grade.

Later,  she was the greeter at her grandchildren’s elementary school.

A young Mom by the time she was 21, she had three children and her last at the “old age” of 28.

A grandmother at 40.

As a youngster, I was always proud to have her on my class trips.  She was beautiful to me and kind of glamorous.

She was a good sport.  She took my brother, George and I to see The Beatles “A Hard Days Night” when it came out in the movies.  Mom was 27 when she took her 8 and 10 year old to sit among screaming  teenagers.  In those days, you could sit through a movie more than once without paying again.  I remember her turning  to us and asking us if we wanted to see if again.  Of course, we said yes. And that is what a Mom does, at least mine did.

She taught me how to be a mom and in my humble opinion, I learned from the best.

I miss her every day.

On the upside of the day, I have Jenn.

My positive force in my life.

The person who keeps me going on the days when I can’t seem to move ahead.

As an adult, we are best friends.

I know I make her crazy at times with some of my off the wall questions and yes, they are off the wall.

Jenn knows I have her back every single day.

I am proud of the woman she has become.

See you next week.

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