Sunday, May 17, 2020

How am I coping?

Tomorrow starts week 10 of  being at home.

I have to say the two plus months has gone by in a flash,  I walked out of the office before St. Patrick’s Day and fast forward to a week before Memorial Day.

No commuting, no gas expense, no vet bills, no hours in the car, no wear and tear on the car.

Get out of bed, get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, take my vitamins and walk to the kitchen.

Time to work.  Longer days, conference call after conference call. By the end of the day, I don’t want to talk to anyone. I don’t want to think either.

I shut down the computer, take a shower, grab some dinner and unwind.

Around 11:00 PM, I head to bed and watch something on Netflix until I fall asleep.

I wake around 3:00, thinking about work.   What do I have to accomplish the next day, what loans have to move, what can I do to keep the team engaged and motivated?

If I am lucky, I fall back to sleep by 4:00 which isn’t too bad since I can sleep a little later since I am working from home.

The work has been exhausting and an average of 10-12 hour days.

I am grateful when I ask my fellow managers how they feel and they say “tired and exhausted too”.

As a manager, there is no OT pay so you really have really like what you do.  And I do about 90% of the time.

Our ever changing world.

I had my first virtual Dr. appt this week.  No waiting room,  No waiting in the exam room.  A 10 minute conversation and done.  I loved it!

I do look forward to the once a week trip to the landfill and Publix.

I am finding the most unusual TV shows to watch such as “The Celebrity Watch Party”.  This is where you watch celebrities watching tv shows.  How desperate have I become or is it my desire to watch something mindless?

I love not being stressed on Sunday that Monday is right around the corner and I have to get ready.

Shorts and t shirts are the attire of each day,

Being in bed after sunrise.

Watching all the creative ways parents and students have found to celebrate graduation.

Learning new ways to connect with each other and celebrate each other.

Finding out what color my hair really is is interesting.

Dreading the day when I have to get dressed like a grown up, underwire bra and spanx included. And make-up, I know I look better with it on but why bother while I am at home.  I wash and towel dry my hair, pass a brush through it and I am done.  No blow dryer or curling iron to hair product or hair spray, easy.

I travel with a mask, the new normal.

I observe social distancing, the new normal.

I plan my weekly trips out to make them efficient and not waste time out, the new normal.

I pray more.

I am grateful to feel good and healthy each day.

I took so much for granted before, each day whatever I did I did without a great deal of thought.

Not anymore.

See you next week.

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