Monday, September 7, 2020

A long weekend with nothing to do

 Labor Day has always been the farewell to summer weekend.

As a kid, my Dad always took his vacation the last two weeks of August running into Labor Day.

It always made sense to me.

Now I think, what would it be like to have two consecutive weeks off?

People that I know who have taken off two weeks in a row say it really does feel very different than  a single week.

Also, when I was young the Supreme Court of NY would close for the summer.  No AC and vacations let the court calendar light. This meant Dad had a long break.

The last summer before his children started to move in different directions, he loaded us all into the family station wagon for a trip across the country.

Imagine a whole summer off?

Imagine Dad, Mom and us four kids in that vehicle with tents and sleeping bags.  From NY to California and back.

It was amazing,

But here we are in the year we would like to forget, 2020.

Labor Day and no place to go and feel safe (at least for me).

I was thrilled to have a long weekend after a very long week at work.

Sunday, we ran some errands or I should say I drove with Jeter and Jenn did the running.

Other than that I was home.

I caught up on the bills and paperwork.

Jenn made some ribs and a new chicken dish that was amazing.

Naps were worked in.

I tried not to watch the news too much as it disturbs me greatly.

I decided to watch some movies.

I started with Jumangi which Jenn and others have called “2020 in a movie” . After watching it, I got it.

Today, I watched one of my favorite movies, “City Slickers”.

I love the conversation between the friends with a long history.

Listening to Billy Crystal explain to Daniel Stern how to program a VCR was so funny.

But hands down my favorite scene it the “best day and worst day conversation”

Hearing each character pick their most memorable day and their hardest day always gets me thinking.

As they said in the movie, you cannot pick an obvious day like when you children were born.

I am sure we can each come up with more than a few best days and hopefully not too many worst days.

It will be challenging to come up with a long list of best days this year.

So maybe this is the year we spend time looking back in retrospect to our past and what we have been blessed with.

Best days- the days you met friends for the first time that changed your life, holidays with those no longer with us, maybe a day you got some kind of recognition, watching your child graduate or a day you made someone smile.

Worst days- losing people you loved especially those for which you were not prepared, the day I went to court for my divorce and maybe the days when my fellow mangers and I are made to feel defeated and unappreciated. 

This weekend ended up being a weekend of self-reflection. 

The up’s and down’s of life.

Maybe the weekend wasn’t such a waste after all.

See you next week.

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