Sunday, September 13, 2020

I Am

Jenn told me about an activity that took place in one of her departments staff meetings this week. It was a way of getting to know each other better.

Jenn suggested it to me as a blog entry.

You start with the two words I AM and go from there.

Team Pizzo get ready this activity may be heading your way soon.

Here goes, in no particular order and very random:

I am still 35 in my head (although my birth certificate has a very different number).

I am a writer.

I am a Mom (the best job in the world).

I am Hawaiian which allows me to check the Asian/Pacific Islander as a race.

I am funny at times.

I am able to  cry easily whether happy, sad, mad or laughing.

I am happy to have a reliable vehicle after years of driving an old SUV that could break down at any time.

I am crazy for the smell of fireplaces burning, sweater weather and crunch sound of leaves under my shoes.

I am a lover of snow.

I am a Christmas fan.

I am a Cheese freak  

I am jealous of those who planned right and could retire early.

I am not afraid to fly but am afraid of airports.

I am afraid of crowds.

I am afraid of falling.

I am a loyal friend,

I am in love with the color yellow.

I am a big fan of yellow roses.

I am happy smelling garlic and onions cooking on the stove.

I am finally sleeping back in my bed after years of sleeping in a recliner.

I am tired of talking to people by the end of each work day.

I am a good people manager.

I am starting to accept the things I will never do again.

I am sorry I can’t find a good hard roll or a potato knish or a linzer tart in South Carolina.

I am afraid of going to new places without checking them out ahead of time.

I am crazy about all kinds of soups.

I am happy to see each months new plates, flags and tablecloths in my house.

I am happy to not be commuting 300 miles a day.

I am sorry I didn’t watch my Mom make Chocolate Cracker Pudding so I could make it myself.  It doesn’t help that the Uneeda Biscuit Crackers needed for the pudding are no longer sold.

I am happy to be alone but can feel lonely.

I am......

See you next week.


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