Sunday, February 14, 2021

Another Valentines Day

From the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh:

“Pooh, how do you spell love?” 

“You don’t spell love, Piglet you feel it.”

When I was young, I always pictured Valentine’s Day as a day when someone special would get me roses and take me out all dressed up to a romantic dinner.

I never really had that kind of Valentine’s Day. 

I guess I had a great imagination.

I grew up in an era before phrases such as “soul mate” and “date night” existed .

Even though I missed the boat on the things above, I still know love.

Love for Jenn, family, friends even pets.

Love of any of those listed above adds to our lives.

Not having had the great love story in my life doesn’t mean I made the wrong choice at the fork in the road.

It just means my journey has taken a different route.

I can still feel love and joy and happiness.

And yes, maybe a tiny bit of envy for those who found it all.

I don’t think there are as many of those as I always imagine but then again I have been wrong before.

And for those of you who did get it all, bravo !!

And for those like me who didn’t, it’s OK too.

Happy Valentines Day!

See you next week.

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