Sunday, February 7, 2021

God Winks Exist

 Definition of a God Wink:

(plural God winks) An event or personal experience, often identified as coincidence, so astonishing that it is seen as a sign of divine intervention, especially when perceived as the answer to a prayer.

I first heard of God Winks on of all places and no surprise to anyone, The Hallmark Channel.

How often do God Winks play a role in our lives?

Events in my life surely were God Winks.

Whether it be a person who says hello to you when you are 15 and ultimately over 45 years changes your life.

Or the friend that in the early days used a phone book to help you find answers to questions. And now still helps you find answers using the internet.

How about the person you meet at work who opens their home to you and you walk together through some of the most difficult times in your life.

It can be something as simple as looking for a new car.  You mention it on a conference call and suddenly you have a negotiator for the transaction.

Your start a new job in a new state.  Day One you are paired with someone for training and you become fast friends whose lives are intertwined.

Two weeks ago, it happened again.

God winked.

I did a Facebook post. 

And that put the wheels in motion.

A FB message from an old friend and former coworker in response to the post.

And in what I consider a less than two week world wind event, I end up with a new job.

An updated resume, an online application, three interviews and a job offer within just a few days.

My head was spinning.

I was not planning on changing jobs.

But God winked.

In just two weeks, starting a job again and as I keep saying “for the last time”.

I am excited and ready for the change.

The one thing important about God Winks is,  if he winks you have to act.  

If you hesitate, you might miss the opportunity.

God is winking at you, not hitting you over the head.

Take the chance, live on the edge and trust.

Trust you gut, trust yourself and trust in God’s plans for you.

God winks have names too.

Dan, Kathy, Mary, DeAnna and Diana.

Family members are not by chance, They are chosen for us.

Family and old friends not named individually in this post also an important part of my life.

I am also lucky enough to have coworkers who have become extended family.

They are all God’s blessings: family, friends and coworkers.

And of course, then there is Jenn. 

She has had a couple of challenging months health wise. Seeing her perking up after her recent heart procedure shows me God’s answer to prayers.

Jenn is God’s way of showing a part of me will always be around.


See you next week.

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