Sunday, January 9, 2022

Back to work

The start of a New Year!  2022 !

Let’s hope it better than 2020 and 2021 for all of us.

It is hard to remember life before the word COVID.

It is hard to remember life before wearing masks as a precaution.

Look at the dictionary a few year ago, “socially distancing” was not a common phrase.

Vaccines, boosters and testing are all a part of our lives.

How often does a day go by when we do not use one of those phrases?

2022 …

I started back to work on Tuesday after a 4 1/2 month break.

I woke up early on Tuesday.

Showered, got into my “work clothes” and turned on my laptop at 8:00 AM.

I spent the next few days working on getting system accesses.

Strange as it sounds, it is harder for returning employees to get their access back than new employees.

By Friday, I had access to most systems.

I start training on Monday and am hoping I will have access to the most important system I need.  

Fingers crossed.

Banking and mortgage have a lot of mandatory classes that must be taken either quarterly or annually.

Those classes dropped into my system Friday.  26 classes.  LOL Yes, 26.  I finish 3 of them by EOB Friday.

LOL only 23 more to go.

I know Mortgage Operations like the back of my hand considering I started working in ops 35 plus years ago.

Now, I will be learning the sales side as I assist my assigned Loan Officer’s get their loans to the closing table.

It feels so good to be back at work.

The biggest challenge this week was remembering to clock in and out.  I haven’t had to use a virtual time card in years. Clock in first thing in the morning, clock in and out for lunch (yes, I HAVE to take a lunch break- who knew?) and clock out for the end of the day.

Maybe next time I decide to take a sabbatical or retire, I will plan better as far as what to do with my free time.

Maybe next time, I won’t have the fear or craziness of COVID hanging over my head.which will provide me with more freedom.


I am looking forward to getting back in a routine.

The routine is already working, two blog entries, two weeks in a row.

New Year, New Challenges.

See you next week.

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