Sunday, January 30, 2022

Moments that grab you…..

There are times when you watch something on TV and it stays with you.  

We even go back and rewind and watch it again and again.

They can be sad, joyful or sentimental moments.

Watching Kevin Costner walk out of the rows of corn last summer with the music from “Field of Dreams” playing in the background. Goosebumps….

Seeing an old YouTube clip of Betty White at the AFI tribute to Morgan Freeman,  Hilarious….

Alphonso Ribeiro doing “The Carlton” on DWTS.  Pure fun…..

The playback of the Space Shuttle.  Shock….

Eli Manning avoiding the Patriot defense to throw a pass to David Tyree (who caught it with the help of his helmet).  Hard to watch with my eyes closed…LOL.

And this week, watching an astounding sea of blue stand outside Saint Patrick’s Cathedral  in the cold and snow.  Respect….

Knowing the process will have to be repeated again this week.  Heartbreaking….

Listening to the words of a young widow. Awe….

As you can see I have felt a full range of emotions as I watched these events.

From exhilaration to incredible sadness, I felt the full spectrum.

They stay in my head and heart.

Snapshots of life and loss.

The reminders of our current world and times past.

The fact that I can still feel my pulse racing as I watch a clip of an old Super Bowl or shed tears for a life lost too soon of a heroic young man doing a challenging job.

Life has it’s highs and it’s lows….this week and next week will remind us of the lows but also of pride and respect.

I hope to see something soon that gives me a good feeling again.

I can be patient, it will happen.

See you next week.

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