Sunday, February 13, 2022

Can someone please explain this to me?

I do not think I am the brightest bulb on the tree.

But I am also  not an idiot.

Let’s talk about health insurance.

Up until 65, you select your health coverage from the options offered by your employer.

To me this was pretty simple.  

I am not a gambler.

I would pick the most expensive health plan with the best coverage.


Then you enter the year you are going to turn 65.

The mail starts rolling in.

Lots of mail.

Some from the government and some from companies offering supplemental coverage.

You sign up for Medicare Part A at no cost (well it really costs but you have been paying for it the last 40 plus years you have been working).

You make some inquiries to the appropriate government agencies without getting any clarity.

I was still employed so I did not also sign up for Part B since I had coverage from my employer.

Then,  I quit my job.

Now I had no coverage except the Part A.

I am referred to a local company to assist me.  They are great.

BUT, I have to get Part B coverage before I can get supplemental coverage or prescription coverage.

This process takes a while since I have to get proof from my two previous employers to ensure Medicare that I had coverage.

Otherwise, you pay penalties and Part B can cost you more.


After phone call after phone call and email after email, I finally get the paperwork I need.

I send it in and finally get Part B coverage.

I also now fee like I can leave my house without fear of getting hurt.  

What would happen and what would it cost me without coverage.

Plus, the word COVID kept circling my head.

I told Jenn until my coverage was in place, I would only leave the house wrapped in bubble wrap.

I get my supplemental coverage and prescription coverage.

Let’s see so Part B was $140 and is now $170 as of January 1st.

Supplemental $126 and prescription $26.

That each a month.

Still Ok, I am good to go.

I go to get my preventive inhaler (which I use twice a day).

I am told it will cost me $175 a month.

I reach out to my Dr. to see if there is a cheaper option (now I am feeling old).

He sends in a request for another inhaler which with Good RX should cost $36.

WIN !!

I go to CVS and they tell me it’s $106.  


After a lengthy conversation, they figure out they have to remove my insurance and just use Good RX and it will cost $36.

So I have to remove my insurance to get this inhaler cheaper?

No one can explain why.

Next, Publix comes to my Community Center for a Shingles Shot Clinic.

I sign up for the first shot.

Publix calls me to let me know I will have to pay $174 for each shot.

I call CVS and it will cost $195 a shot from them.

I decide it is worth the $350 combined to get the two shots versus taking a chance of getting Shingles.

With all of my coverages, I thought I would get off with zero cost.


As with everyone else, the 2 COVID shots and booster were free.

My flu shot was free.

I “assumed” with all of my coverages, my cost would be minimal.


I can’t wait to see what my other med’s will cost.

Will I need to use my Part B or supplemental or perscription coverage? 

Will I need to remove my insurance and just use Good RX.

Oh and to add insult to injury, CVS is going to stop accepting Good RX. That means I am going to have to transfer my med requests to Publix.

Can you understand my confusion???

See you next week!

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